Castiel (1)✔

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"Angel With a Shotgun"

"Angel With a Shotgun"

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Castiel's P.O.V

I looked at the beautiful girl sleeping with her head on my shoulder, as we rode in the back of the Impala with the Winchester brother's in the front. Currently, there's a war going on in heaven, but I can't find myself leaving to help, I don't want to leave (Y/n) alone. I know that it's only a matter of time before I really do have to go, and when that day comes I will make sure that she knows my feeling towards her, because that may be the last time we see each other.
I know that she's killed some angels, but i don't see her as a sinner, she was just doing what's right, she knew that they were the corrupt ones, I can't even trust my own family, because they could be corrupt, they could kill me, and (y/n) will never know my feelings towards her.
I looked down to (y/n), she looks so peaceful while she sleeps, she looks like there's not a care in the world, she looks as if she is in heaven... She's my heaven, I can't picture living without her. I think I'll go fight this war for humanity, for (y/n), I'm willing to die for her, just to keep her safe, if my life is the price, then so be it.
I don't agree with heavens orders, the Winchester's showed me free will, they introduced me to (y/n), she taught me to love, she taught me to feel. I adore her, and she is who I'm fighting for, I will win this for her, or die trying.
Just then she stirred and sat up, my arm fell from her shoulder to her waist and she, nor I, moved it. She looked at me and smiled, i smiled back.
"Cass?" her sweet voice whispered. I looked into her eyes, such a beautiful (e/c), one could get lost in them.
"Yes, (y/n), what is it?" I asked, as she leaned her head against my chest, my hand resting on her hip. My heart started racing, and my face began to heat up.
"When do you have to leave?" she asked drawing circles on my chest. My heart broke a little. Did she want me to leave? I hope not. I shifted in the seat, so I was leaning against the door, and I pulled her close to me. Her head tucked under my chin, hand over my heart. One of my hands over hers, the other one on her hip.
"I don't know, (y/n). I hope I don't have to, I hope that my brethren can figure this out on their own." she turned to look up at me.
"It's okay if you have to go, I'm sure that Dean, Sam and I can manage just fine with you up there. You should help them. I mean that's your family and all." I could hear the hurt in her voice, she truly didn't want me to leave, but she knows that I have to.
I looked into her (e/c), even though she was smiling her eyes showed sorrow. I can't leave her. Not like this, anyway.
She went to say something but I stopped her from saying it. I pressed my lips softly against hers. Silencing all my thoughts and hopefully hers. She was in shock a bit but then she kissed back, she moved her hand from my chest to cup my face, my hands grip on her hip tightened. She pulled away. And smiled at me.
"(y/n) I-" I started but she put her finger against my lips silencing me.
"Castiel. You have to go. They will need your help, you know it. I know it. Hell, even Dean knows it." I looked to the front seat Dean and Sam were arguing about something, they didn't even notice what had just happened between us. She turned my head to face Her, she was looking into my eyes.
"I don't know if you'll come back, but promise me, you'll try your best, you'll win this for me. Win this for us." she said kissing my cheek.
"I will. I promise. And I will come back, I will come back, I'll win this fight, for humanity and, more importantly, you. (y/n). I believe that our bond is even more profound than the one that I share with Dean." I said shifting once more so we were 'spooning,' at least that's what Dean said it was. I never thought that I'd be spooning someone in the back of the Winchesters Impala..
I kissed her head, and tightened my arms around her waist, not wanting her to slip away.
"Why's that Cass? Why do you say that?" she asked leaning into me. I laid my head against hers.
"Because, you taught me to love. You taught me how to feel. I-I think I could be in love with you?" my heart rate began to quicken.
"Is that a question Castiel?" she chuckled, putting a strand of her beautiful (h/c) behind her ear.
"Did it sound like a question? I'm sorry. I do love you. I'm in love with you. I adore you. I'd do anything for you. I'd die just if it meant to keep you safe." I said burying my face in her hair.
"Aww, Cass, that's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me. Sure it was a little obsessive, but still sweet." she said turning in my arms so we were facing. She placed her hands on my chest.
"I love you too." she said kissing the tip of my nose. I smiled and leaned into kiss her but I heard someone clear their throat. We both turned to look and Sam and Dean stood outside the impala looking in through the passenger side back door.
"Are you coming into the motel or are you staying in there? And if you are staying in there, please, PLEASE, put a blanket down." Dean said with a wink. My face flushed and I kissed (y/n)'s cheek and flashed us into the motel room.

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