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My name is Daisy Turner. Believe it or not this photo was taken just hours before the most horrific event in history.

I was driving to work one day and was stopped at a red light by this little coffee shop in downtown Seattle, and just as I pulled away from the light, another car ran a red light, crushing my side of the car.

The car skid across the black top and rolled over on its back. It was like everything happened in slow motion.

The glass breaking.

The screaming.

And then suddenly, darkness.

The next thing I remember is being rushed into the ER

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The next thing I remember is being rushed into the ER. Doctors yelling to book OR's and ordering the interns to run errands.

The breathing tube down my throat made it hard to ask what happened or where I was. When rated to fully understand what was happening, my body rushed with chronic pain, and I cried out past my tube pleading for help.

A doctor stopped my cart and looked at me. He was shocked I was awake and shined a flashlight in my eyes. When my eyes recovered from the blindness, he looked hot.

Salt and peppered grey hair and a strong jaw line. He had kind eyes when he looked at me.

 He had kind eyes when he looked at me

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"Your wake. My name is Doctor Sloan. You were in an accident and we are taking you to surgery right now. Doctor Bailey will  be preforming to operation."

He went to walk away and I grabbed his hand. He turned around and looked at me for a few moments and could sense the fear I had.

"Ok, I'll be right here. I promise. Alex take the rest of my surgeries today." He yelled to another cute guy in scrubs.

I looked at the emblem on Dr. Sloan's shirt and it has SGH. Which stood for Seattle Grace Hospital.

We went down a few different hallways and finally came to the OR. They placed me on the table and everyone scrubbed in.

"I hear this girl only has a thirty percent chance of living." One nurse whispered as she laid out the instruments.

"Really? I looked at her file, she has no next to kin or anything, at least if she does die, no one will morn her." Another replied softly.

At this point I was starting to shake and tears poured down my cheeks. They took my tube out and I let out a soft whimper.

"I know your in pain, but you'll feel much better after the surgery." Dr. Sloan said, noticing how upset I was getting.

"Dr. Sloan, if I don't make it..."

"Hey, now why would you think your not gonna make it?" He questioned.

"I heard the nurses say I only have a thirty percent chance of living and if I do die there's no one to miss me. But if I do die, can you make sure I'm taken care of?"

"This is a routine procedure and you have one of the best doctors here to do the surgery. I'll be here the whole time and you can bet you'll see me when you wake up." He winks.

He held my hand as they put me under. 

"Okay Daisy, we're gonna have you count backwards from ten, when ever your ready." Dr. Sloan stated.



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