21. The Return of the Shorts

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"Darling was that really necessary?" Mum asks as she comes back into my dressing room with my plate of food that I left in the cafeteria.

I huff and cross my arms, "Yes, completely. He's an idiot if he thinks it's going to go back to normal after he just dumps me."

She laughs a little, "I can already see you guys getting back together. This breakup isn't real Vara, couples go through this all the time. At most it was a disagreement."

I roll my eyes, "Mum no offense but the things he said that night were too harsh to be a disagreement. We're over."

"Not in my eyes. He'll be crawling back to you in no time," She smiles.

"Not unless I end things with Dylan and we both know I can't." I start to get dressed for the show. I'm feeling a little sassy tonight so I put on the shorts that Harry loves so much. Just to fuck with him even more.

"Honey I know Simon will understand and your second album will be amazing without the publicity dating stunts." She tries to convince me.

"Tell that to Simon." I go to the bathroom and change really quick and when I come out of the bathroom, I notice Mum smiling down at her phone.

"Is that Ryan that is making you smile like that?" I hesitantly ask. It's still a little weird but my Mum has a serious boyfriend and she tells me things once in a while. Zayn and I have yet to meet him.

"Yes, he says good luck tonight. I really want you guys to meet him. He has a son that is your age too Vara, you guys could become good friends." She says excitedly.

I fake smile back, "That sounds cool. I know Zayn and I will meet him once we get back."

She nods and Sarah knocks on the door to let me know it's time for the stage.

---Harry's POV--
Look at her. I can't believe she's wearing the shorts. I can't believe she even brought them. If we were still together I would burn those right after she gets off stage...well right after we fuck for a bit though because... damn those shorts are gods creation.

"Mate stare any longer and your eyeballs are going to fall out." Niall laughs.

"I can't help it. I know she's doing this shit on purpose." I groan.

"She's a smart one." He pats my back. "By this rate you'll be begging her to take you back by tonight."

I snap out of the shorts hypnotization and grab Niall by the shoulders, "No. I'm going to stay strong. She thinks she can play dirty but it's not going to work this time. She knows what to do to get back together."

"She's not your dog asshole." Ely chimes in next to Niall.

"I didn't say that." I roll my eyes.

"Uh excuse me you just said 'she knows what to do' like you fucking trained her. She's her own person Harry. This isn't a game." She crosses her arms.

I groan, "I know that Ely. I told Liam that a few hours ago. I just need O'brien out of the picture."

"Stop whining about Dylan okay? She's clearly in love with you. Why else would she be wearing the same shorts that almost cost Kyle his life." She laughs.

"I can't handle being a secret Ely." I say sincerely.

She rubs my shoulder, "Sometimes a little love is better than none."

Niall and Ely went back into the dressing room and I looked at Vara one last time before I went into Sarah's Kitchen which was almost empty. I took out my phone and began typing lyrics.

I know I'm not your only but at least I'm one.
I heard a little love is better than none.

---Vara's POV---

"Hey let's have a girls night tonight okay?" Ely asks Gem and I as we all ride in the car back to the hotel.

"But you guys are gonna have fun without us?" Louis asks.

"That's the point of a girls night Lou." Liam laughs.

"Yes please, that sounds like so much fun." Gem says. "Sorry Louis, maybe next time."

"I'm down, it has been a while." I nod. I notice Harry looks down when I said yes...was he hoping that I would be sad and want to stay in and cry about him? No thank you.

"Alright let's get ready to kill it ladies." Ely cheers as the car stops in front and we head up to my hotel room.

---Harry POV---

"So what are we gonna do while the girls are gone?" Zayn asks.

"We can chill out here for the night. We haven't done that in a while. I'm also kind of tired from the party last night." Louis sighs.

"Getting too old for the parties Louis?" Niall laughs.

"Never too old lad. Just need to rest tonight." He turns on the TV. Liam goes into the kitchen and I follow behind him.

"You're okay with this girls night?" I ask as he pulls out some beer from the fridge.

"Yeah, it's been a few weeks since it's just been them so I think it's time." He nods. He phone goes off and I think it's snapchat from the little icon.

"Oh it's a snap from Gem." He smiles at his phone. The kid is whipped. "Oh it's all of them look."

I look and my eyes widen as I see what Vara is wearing. The shorts of evil. Those fucking shorts will be the death of me. Plus she is wearing a beaded crop top with black heels that make her legs look amazing. She's killing me.

"Did Gemma tell you where they were going?" I ask him nervously.

"Yes but I'm not going to tell you." He shakes his head.


"I actually trust my girlfriend Haz, just calm down. Vara won't do anything. Besides she isn't your girlfriend anymore H so there shouldn't be a reason to worry..." Liam says.

Ignoring Liam's last part about her not being mine. I sigh, "I trust her. It's those fucking shorts I don't trust." I cross my arms and head back to the living room.



Do you miss Dylan? I do. He's a funny cutie pie.

What do you think will happen during girls night?


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