Chapter Ten

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I looked disapprovingly at the sprite before me. She looked nothing like herself. Her eyes twinkled happily, memories flashing behind her dark brown eyes. Though the colour was now beginning to fade from her hair, it still beamed at me, alerting the world of the girl's obvious light-hearted temperament.

'Are you sure you're Diana?' I asked disbelievingly. She nodded quickly, almost snapping her neck. She started playing with her lip rings, twisting them around with her tongue inside her mouth.

'We're going to see each other later again tonight. We're going to check out a few tattoo parlors, because I'd like to get mine finally finished,' she brushed her hand near the top of her leg, 'and he'd like to get another done. Afterwards, we're buying fish and chips and eating on the beach. Might even get a little late night swimming done.' She raised her eyebrows gleefully. I knew I had to pull her back down to earth though, so I did so with a deep sigh.

'Don't jump in too fast. Remember his history. History repeats itself.'

She casually waved a hand in my direction. 'Yeah right,'

She was back in the puppy love stage, and it was going to be impossible to snap her out. Andy was coming over to watch a movie in a few minutes, and Taylor had been nice enough to move to another dorm until later this evening.

She had agreed to it on the condition that if her boyfriend drove down from Seattle to see her, I'd ditch my plans and skedaddle. Or if she had a one night stand. From what I knew, they were fairly open about their relationship, and neither minded the other hooking up if they were away, as long as it didn't become too regular or they developed strong feelings towards the other person.

'Whatever you say, Diana. Now scoot. I'm expecting someone.' I walked over and showed her the door as Andy appeared.

'Hello.' Diana said, turning briefly and raising her eyebrows once again. 'See you!'

'Hey,' Andy said uncomfortably as I yanked him inside, slamming the door and hearing Diana's high laugh after I did so.

'Sorry about that,' I said, turning around and taking in Andy.

'It's okay.' He replied, taking a quick scope of the room. 'First time I've been in here.'

'Yeah, well don't get used to it.' I said, placing a kiss on his lips. 'Now, I got pasta for us for dinner, and did you get a movie?'

Andy nodded, smiling as he held up the case. 'Paranormal Activity.'

- - -

I was snuggled up in the blanket on my bed, Andy's arm wrapped protectively around me as we watched the movie. I loved scary movies, and had seen this one several times, so it wasn't much drama to me. Andy, on the other hand, was looking ridiculously pale and had turned down dinner.

'Do you want to turn it off?' I asked, nudging his side. He jumped, and I made the decision for him.

'No,' he barely got the word out before the bloodcurdling screams cut off and the screen went blank.

'Hey, it's okay. scary movies aren't for everyone.' I threaded my fingers through his hair and placed another kiss on his lips.

'I had a better idea than watching a movie anyway.' He said, turning to face me and claiming my lips instantly. I returned the kiss, set on staying wrapped in my cocoon. Andy put is hands on my shoulders and pushed me back, becoming to set on the kiss. Being bundled up, I fell back onto the bed with a sligth squeal, as my head and a shoulder missed the mattress and I almost toppled off.

'Andy!' I panicked, not wanting to hit my head. He put an arm around me, supporting my shoulder, and cupping my neck.

'Much better, what do you think?'

'I think,' I paused, trying to make it look like I was thinking. I moved my leg up, hitting his own, 'you're an idiot. I almost fell.' Andy simply smiled, and brought his face down to mine, placing butterfly kisses along my skin. I shivered, and starting shimmying onto the bed in case Andy dropped me.

The kisses increased as I did so, and Andy came back to my lips. I ran my tongue along his top lip, and his teeth grazed my lower. I gasped, smiling and smashing our lips back together, wasting no time in adding tongue. By now, he was lifting my shirt and running his hands over my stomach, tickling the more sensitive areas with his gentle touch. I slid my hands up his own midriff enjoying the feel of his muscles, before taking his shirt off.

'Do you have a tie?' Andy breathed, kissing my lower jaw hungrily.

'What?' I gasped, claiming his lips once again. 'No.'

A few more seconds and Andy was out of my arms and grabbing an abandoned scarf on the floor. 'This'll have to do then.' He winked at me, opening the door and fixing it to the handle, before closing it and returning to his position on the bed.

- - -

Needless to say, I awoke the next morning naked, with Andy's arm draped across my body, terrible hair and a note on the door reading,

If you were going to fuck and have him sleepover, you should have just told me. - Tay

I was the buzz around much of the early morning gossip circulated, though I didn't know it until Diana came bursting into the room not five minutes after waking with said note in her hand.

'Everyone wants to know who you screwed.' She said, casting a glance at the red-faced man in my bed. 'Doesn't take a genius to figure out who though.' She rolled her eyes and grinned at me.

'Really? The student body is in a knot because we fucked? That's just stupid.' Andy said, massaging my thigh underneath the blanket. I slapped his arm and he withdrew, seemingly content with just holding me.

'Who did you tell them?'

'No one. Tay did. Some "gorgeous stranger with a wink in his eye and a kiss on his lips". Good thing she's doing poetry, hey?' Diana laughed at Tay's silly line.

'Better than what you could come up with.' I retorted. 'Now, if you could leave me and the "gorgeous stranger with a wink in his eye and a kiss on his lips" alone, we'd like to clothe ourselves.'

'Not necessarily.' Andy whispered, earning him another smack.

'No, I need to go to class.'


Jess got some! But what about Di's date? Hmm...

Title cred: N/A

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