Chapter 31

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Don't You Remember ~ Adele


I hesitated to go into Gemma's room, because she hasn't talked to me properly ever since that incident back at Allie's house. I felt really bad, and I knew I was a terrible brother.

Hell, I'm a terrible person.

I broke Belle's heart, I was the reason Jack broke up with his girlfriend, especially when he was about to ask her to marry him, and I made my sister upset with me. So yeah, it all means that I'm terrible.

I lightly knocked on her door and I heard footsteps get closer by the door. She opened it and rolled her eyes, "Ugh, why are you here? You should be getting ready for your rehearsal dinner."

"Gemma, I need to talk to you. It's really urgent."

"Oh, why don't you go talk to Allie? I'm pretty sure she'd listen." She put her hands on her waist. I sighed, "It's about Allie."

She glared at me and then extended the door for me to come in. I sat on her bed and she sat next to me.

"What is the problem here?" She asked.

"I don't want to marry her." I confessed. Gemma's eyes widened, "What the hell? Harry what is wrong with you?"

"Look, I went to her house to see her, and she didn't know, because I wanted to surprise her, but as soon as I was at her door I overheard her talking." I fiddled with my hands.


"She said she was using me for Dad's money, Gemma." Her eyes widened even more and looked like they were about to pop out of her lids. "What?"

"Yea, she will marry me and then divorce me and get all the money Dad will be getting. And I told her about how dad wanted me to manage the companies once I get married, and she probably wants the money I will be making from it."

"Jesus, Harry, I don't know what to say." She pressed her palm to her forehead. I chuckled, "She lied to me about Belle too."

Gemma's face grew furious, "What?"

I continued to tell her my misery. And Gemma  believed me, so I apologized for my behavior, then she forgave me. I was happy that she did, she's my best friend, I couldn't be apart from my sister like that.

"So what are you going to do now?" She sighed.

"I hope it works out, but I'm gonna run away from the alter."

But I felt as if she won't come back.

I took the offer. I'm going to New York. I haven't told anybody at home, I just kept it to myself. I leave on Sunday, the day he gets married.

It was a perfect day to leave, everyone would be busy in his wedding, and no one will know. He wouldn't even care, because he's getting married to "the girl he loves". I used to think I would be that girl, but I'm clearly not.

Today is his rehearsal dinner. I wore a plain yellow dress, since it was one of the colors. They had yellow, green, red, and orange. They wanted to match the fall colors.

Cara and Lexie were going with me. They were the only ones who knew I didn't tell anyone in my family, but didn't know I was running away. I was running away, because I knew I wouldn't be able to handle Allie and Harry together. Daniel was the only one who knew I was going away. He was sweet enough to buy himself a ticket so that the first few days in New York aren't hard for me, and since his parents live there, it would be good to see them too.

I wasn't far from home. With Daniel, I decided to go to a burger stand before I leave. My last meal here, really. I didn't wanna stay at the rehearsal dinner too long so I decided to leave with him.

"This burger is amazing." I smiled and licked my fingers, taking another huge bite. Daniel laughed and popped a fry into his mouth, "This is our last meal at this stand."

"I know, it's crazy." I sipped my coke. I mixed the ranch and ketchup together to try a different taste. It wasn't that bad, actually.

"Don't you feel weird? Leaving the town you grew up in?" He asked, dipping his fry in the mixture I made.

I sighed, "I do feel sad, I'm leaving my home, and a part of me wants to stay, but I have to leave. I have a recommendation and they really want me there, I can't ignore it," I sipped my drink, "Besides, Daniel, what's the use staying here anymore?"

"You're making yourself look weak." He shook his head. My eyebrows narrowed, "What do you mean?"

"You're running away, Belle."

"No, I'm going there for my art." I said irritated at the fact that he was sort of right.

"That's an excuse." He corrected me.

He was right. He was damn right. I was running away from Harry. From everyone. I couldn't take it. Watching the man I still have feelings for marry someone I hate most, grow children with her, start a family, grow old with her pained me. I wanted to be that girl. The woman who stood proud and happy on her wedding day standing with the guy she loves, grow children with him, get old with him, die with him.

But I won't be that girl.

A tear dropped from my eyes and I threw my fry in the plate, grabbed a napkin and dabbed my tears.
Danny rubbed the back of my hand, "It's okay."

"No, I'm a coward. I should have stood up for myself that day, but I didn't, I'm so stupid!"

"It's not too late to go back."

"I think it is, Daniel." I looked down. It was too late. His wedding is in two days and he's never going to know.

He won't ever want me back.

It's coming to an end, guys. :(
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