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Guys I'm back.

I'd told you guys right ?

Bukannya lama pun hiatus ;)

Maybe lepas ni hiatus balik lol.

SMA nak dekat. Kene banyak hafal.

Btw, I got tagged again and again. Surprisingly, it's not random. Seriously, what's special about me ? Don't tag me anymore HAHAHAHAHAHA


1. Sejak beberapa hari ni, mood author agak down dan nak mintak maaf sangat² kalau ade readers yg tegur author tapi author balas dengan mesej yg kurang mmmmm .... kurang sopan. Seriously, just kill me. I'm really sorry ! I can't control ma self. I'm the worst author ever.

( cause once I mad, I really can't control it )

2. I think it's funny when my haters still read my stories. LOL. I know it.

3. Nak kahwin xD

4. Kalau ade ape² nak tanya soalan tentang kpop or benda lain, readers boleh tanya dekat my ask.fm . Ni username @youngxxi . ^^

5. I only love k-idol with nice colour hair. Not based on their look/voice.

6. I hate it when people judge me. They think they always right. But when I try to defends my self, I'm the bad one. Like, what the hell ?

Author tahu yg ni tak termasuk dalam rules, tapi boleh tak korang Jawab ? serious ni. Author nak tahu sangat².

1. Cuba lah kan. Satu hari nanti. Korang tengok author dah lama tak update. Korang selalu bagi mesej, comment² bagai. Tapi, author tak balas. Then, rupanya korang baru tahu yg author sebenarnya dah takde. Macam mane reaction korang ?

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