New girl

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I'm 17 years old, my name is lyla. I've never had a crush in my life. It's not that I didn't have good choices, I just never thought the guys in my life were worth staring at behind magazines, making up code names so me and my friends could gossip about what "spaghetti" had for lunch.
Until today, I had never looked at any one like they were a new planet that I had discovered. But that wasn't today. At Mc. Grove high school, there is 2,500 students. When a new student joins, the office, or whoever runs these things picks a student at random, to show around the new student.
It was a regular morning, I was drawing spongebob in home room. The loud speaker came on, and Mr. Snelling's booming voice said, "Today, we have a new student joining us today, to show her around, we call Lyla Huckles to the office." Damn it! I had a test in 3rd period today, that meant I had to stay after school. I gathered my things, got a pass from my teacher Mrs. Mingold, and left. As I was walking to the office, I considered playing a prank on the new student because they had ruined my day. But I decided against it, I remember being new here, and the dude who showed me around told me to get a drink from the water fountain, telling me that it was tinkered with, and it poured orange juice. I feel really stupid now to have believed that, but I paid the price when he slammed my head into the tray, and I got a nosebleed. I spent the rest of the day in the office, with a tissue held up to my nose, while the vice principal showed me a map of the school.
When I got to the office, I gave them my pass, and told them I was there to help out. Then SHE walked in. A girl with short plum hair, that looked softer than a newborn baby's. Her Grey eyes looked like they could see into your soul, and I could see them watching every move I made. Her face looked like she had never had acne, her cheek bones were sharp enough to cut through steel. And her strong knees showed through her ripped black jeans. Her arms were covered to the elbow with bracelets, and her ears had about 10 piercings. Her nails were painted black, and she had henna tattoos on her fingers, her fingers where covered with rings. On her feet were big bulky combat boots. She was an angel, and I had a weird feeling in my everywhere, I wanted to kiss her, and run my fingers up and down her body, through her hair. She was like an angel from heaven? Hell? It didn't matter, as long as I could be by her side and stare into her beautiful eyes forever.
"Lyla? Are you awake?" Oh shit! Mrs. Smiths voice broke my spell, and I realized I had been staring at her for 5 minutes, without responding to what Mrs. Smith was saying. "...hi...I'm Lyla..." I very awkwardly said. "I'm Stella Grant". She said. Her voice was like warm milk with cookies. "Let me show you around." I said.

A New Feelingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن