Chapter 6

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AN: This is basically the part they were in prison, but from Danny's point of view. There are some things that I want to include. Like how Sam, Tucker, and Danny have gotten muscles over the four years of ghost hunting.

I was jolted awake when a small amount of electricity went through me.
"Hey Danny, sleep well?" A familiar voice next to me asked sarcasticly. Who do I know that does that a lot? Oh, yeah Fire.
"We're in prison aren't we?" I asked, then cursed myself. Of course we're in prison, where else would Walker take us.
"No, we're in chains because we thought it would be fun to play dungeon. Yes, we're in prison!" Fire said, waking Sam and Tucker up. Since we've been ghost hunting a lot Sam, Tucker, and I have gotten some muscle. Tucker and I had to where baggy clothes to hide the change, but Sam just wore what she normally did and chalked the muscles up to working out. Anyway, they ended up going into a back to back fighting stance.
"Do you want music with that display?" I looked over at her and saw that she rolled her eyes.
"What do you think this is a comic book or a cartoon?" That's when we rolled our eyes.
"You guys okay?" I asked, concerned that they might've been hurt. When they looked at me their eyes widened.
"Dude! We should be asking you that!" Tucker shouted. Now that he mentioned it, I did feel like shit. Sam ran up to the glass that I hadn't realized was there and pulled her fist back to punch it.
"No Sam, don't-" Sam punched the glass and more electricity surged through my body. I flashed back to my portal accident. The cold that burns and seeps into my bones.
Then it was over.
"I was going to say 'no Sam, don't if you punch the glass get electrocuted' but demonstrating it works too!" Fire yelled.
Sam smiled sheepishly, "Sorry."
"We've been through worse." we said in unison.
"DANIEL JAMES FENTON! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'VE BEEN THROUGH WORSE!?" My mother yelled, effectively waking everyone else up.
"I'm so glad that I don't have parents." Fire said, I could tell that she was smiling smugly.
I turned to her and found that I was right, "Shut up."
She snickered until my brilliant mother punched the glass. Another wave of electricity was sent through our veins and we screamed this time. I got a flashback of when I entered the portal and accidentally turned it on. Electricity coursed through my veins and I could feel myself dying, but also being kept alive by the energy in the Zone. When it was over we were both breathing hard and I could tell that sh was just as exhausted and pissed off as I was.
"What is this? The third time?! I was curious to see what the glass did, but really?! Again!?" Fire seethed. That's when Walker decided to walk in with that stupid smirk on his face. When I glanced at Fire for some reason she looked like she was about to start laughing.
(Fire- "Walker walked in, see it's funny! He's Walker the warden so he walks in! Hahaha!"
Danny- "Would you mind not breaking the forth wall!"
Fire- "Hey, it amuses both me and the author!"
Author (me)- Yes, it amuses me greatly.(It really does)
Danny- Growls in frustration, "Let's just get back to the story!"
Fire and the author (me)- "Fine!")
"Walker let us go. I don't think you want to be on the bad side of Pandora. You know, Danny's spiritual mother, also known as his real mother." I knew that Fire added that part just to piss Maddie off and when I glanced over it looked like she succeeded.
"You both have to serve your time." Walker stated coldly. Fire rolled her eyes at that.
"Can we make a deal?" I asked.
He turned to me, "What kind of deal?"
"I need you as an ally." I stated plainly. I don't think she noticed, but Fire's natural glow from her flame dimmed slightly.
He smirked again, "Alright punk, it's either both of you tell all of them your secret. Or, you let me give the both of you 50 lashes with blood blossom on 25 of them." We shared a look and I knew what the answer was.
"The 50 lashes." Everyone gasped while Sam and Tucker frowned. Maddie yelled something that I didn't pay much attention to and Fire went off on her ass which was really funny. It must've been awesome because she was grinning a real grin for the first time since this disaster trip. Anyway, we were set free and escorted to a room not far from the cell.
"Who's going first?" Fire raised her hand and walked over to the wooden post across the room. From what I could tell she was chained to it before she was whipped. Not so surprisingly, she didn't even flinch at the first 25 lashes. I frowned and reflected on what she once told me.
"It always hurts Danny. I tear myself apart on the inside and one thing you have to know is when it hurts I smile."
When I asked her why she shrugged and said, "I don't see the point of crying over pain anymore. I only cry over pain that never ends."
"Pain that never ends." Those words rang in my ears, that's why she cried at her lair. She still feels the pain. I frowned and watched as, what looked like, the last whip lash was given.
Looks, like I was right. Fire was unchained and I looked at the lashes on her back and at her worriedly.
She smiled slightly and that made my heart clench, "S'okay Danny....they're nothing compared to what we face everyday." I knew that was a lie even before she said it. Fire was dragged out and I almost growled when I saw that she was leaving a trail of smeared red and green. I was pushed over to the pole, but before I was shackled to it I grabbed Fire's jacket and put it in front of me. Don't want to ruin or get blood on that.
The first 25 whip lashes went by pretty quickly, but it was the blood blossoms that got a rise out of me.
I cried out in pain when I felt the venom make contact with my skin and start burning it. I could hear faint yelling down the hall and knew Fire was trying to get to me. I took a deep breath and held in the pain. When the final mark on my back was made the chains were taken off and I grabbed Fire's jacket.
I felt like I was being dragged and didn't regester anything except that two strong warm and furry arms picked me up and I was still holding her jacket.
The next thing I knew, we were outside the prison, Fire was smiling at me. She had her jacket on again, and Sam, Tuck, and Val were surrounding us so no one could get to me or Fire.
Wow, real friendship right here.

Time skip to when Danny is taking Maddie to Phantom's Keep...

"Let me go ghost scum!" Maddie screached. Sam had an arm wrapped around me and Tuck was holding onto Sam.
We rolled our eyes, "If I did that you would die and have to hunt yourself."
"I'm not evil enpugh to become a ghost!" Maddie yelled, kicking her feet and struggling.
"That's debatable!" Sam shouted. Maddie glared at her for a second and continued struggling.
"We aren't all evil and do you want me to drop you from this high up?" She stopped struggling, looked down, and shut up after she saw how high off the ground we really were.
"Finally." we all said in unison, smiling a little. Phantom's Keep was right in front of us. I have to assume my position as king after this trip because now would be a good time to tell my parents that I'm Phantom. I frowned at the thought of having to leave Jazz. I knew Sam and Tucker were staying with me. They already said so and told their parents that they found a place to live and would visit often. When asked where they were staying they simply said, 'You can come visit on Christmas.'
Anyway, my castle is made of black marble with silver around the windows. The door is also silver, it opened when we got close to it and closed behind us when we were inside. On the inside I have a half renaissance half modern look. I have plenty of spare rooms for the ghosts that work here and for my guests. The floor is grey tile with green swirls and, with a little help from the old Stopwatch, the swirls look like they're always moving, kinda like the Ghost Zone's current of ectoplasmic energy.
"Home sweet home." I said, putting Maddie down and landing on the grey tile I didn't know I would miss.
"Where's my son Phantom?!"
I sighed, well that moment's dead.
"I'll explain everything when Jack gets here and if you argue we will tie you up and gag you."
She opened her mouth, but she stopped herself and settled for just huffing like a child. I thanked Clockwork that she didn't argue with me and we lead her to our favorite room in the castle. It was our favorite because of the amazing view.
A little while later Fire showed up with my father riding on her back. She panted, but when she saw Maddie her anger flared up and bucked him off her back. He landed on a conveniently placed couch and Fire stood up and cracked her back.
"Much better." She said with a satisfied sigh.
"Where's the rest of the class?"
Fire sat down next to Jack and said, "Dora took them to the Fenton portal."
I nodded, "Time to explain some things."

AN. Okay, this conversation won't be continued until chapter 8. I'm sorry! I want to make sure I cover everything. The organization of this story is so fucked up that even I barely understand it. Bare with me though! When I'm done with this Fire and Danny point of view shit the world should make sense again. Well, now, that's a wrap!

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