12. The Ring

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Chapter 12: The Ring

Feeling like you've let someone down is one of the worst feelings ever, especially someone who I consider important to me. Riley wouldn't even look at me anymore. We had gone right back to square one; the harsh replies, cold stares and general disregard.

I had vowed not to tell anyone about what Riley and I spoke about, keeping a promise to her giving our current situation is the least I could do.

When I walked into school this morning I was determined to find Donovan. I believe he knows more than he's letting on. Chris hadn't shown up to school for the last three days and a part of me was starting to get worried about his whereabouts.

"Hey, Nina!"

I paused and turned around to see Hailey, that brown-skinned girl who was obviously trying to attract Cody's attention when we had run into her in the hallway before, walking towards me.

I gave her a small smile wondering what she wanted as I waited for her to approach. She had her sleek black curly hair in a high ponytail which swayed casually with each step she took; her hair was so big and thick with corkscrew curls that it almost engulfed the entirety of her head.

"Are you going to the game?" She asked.

"What game?"

I learnt that she only put on the high-pitched toddler voice when she spoke to Cody. With me she talked like she had common sense.

She chuckled slightly. "Cody didn't tell you? They have a football game in two days. Everybody's talking about it, I even went to watch them train" her voice delivered a matter-of-fact tone. I never kept up with anything to do with sports at this school, I didn't care to watch a bunch of sweaty boys run into each other and chase balls around a field. It almost seemed as though she was bragging about being there when she said it.

I raised my shoulders up in a shrug. "I hadn't heard"

I spotted Donovan and Kiera in the distance talking by his locker. "Oh, since you and Cody are a thing now I just thought that he'd inv-"

"We aren't a thing" I interjected as my gaze suddenly focused on her narrowing eyes while she looked back at me with a confused expression; eyebrows furrowed and head tilted before she shrugged.

"Oh okay. I'll see you around, Nina"

She skipped away and I puffed and walked up to where Donovan was standing.

"I need to talk to you" I said as soon as I reached them. Donovan raised his thick bushy eyebrows and Kiera recoiled at my words.

"Hello to you too, Nina" she retorted as I shook my head laughing.

"I'm sorry I just have a few questions for your boyfriend" she blushed as soon as those words left my lips and Donovan looked down at her smirking.

"Whatever you can say to him, you can say to me?"

I rolled my eyes at her. "Have you seen Chris lately. He hasn't been in school for the last three days and I'm getting a little worried" I said frowning.

"Ooo" Kiera sang raising her manicured eyebrow. I watched Donovan purse his lips in thought.

"I'm sure he's just find, he'll show up. Chris is just going through some things"

"What things?"

He sighed deeply letting his breath escape through his nose. "If Chris wanted you to know, he'd tell you. Chris is my friend and I don't want to tell his business like that. Especially something I had been asked to keep to myself"

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