chapter ten

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Clarke POV

I hold my side as I holster my gun and knife. "Clarke you are in no shape to--" I cut her off "and suddenly you care!" I murmur.

"I have always cared I'm telling you this because I care: you should just leave, live to fight another day."

Anger flows through me. "I'm not like you mom, I don't betray my love ones." I storm out and she doesn't follow. Maby I went to far with mentioning dad.

I shake off the guilt when my mom catches my arm . "your going to need to cover your face."

Lexa POV

The cool metal holds my wrists in place. My stomach cuts sting but the blood cools me down. I'm slumped down in the cell.

I'll never give in. Never. I stand and Cage is crying on the ground curled in a ball. I weakly pull at the chain. "I wouldent try it." Nia says. "Arnt you and the mountain sopost to have a alliance?" I say as I spit some blood on the ground.

When she doesn't answer I bug her with another question. "So do you believe the rumors about black blood." I ask slumping down but not taking my eyes off her. "No, only a fool would believe such a thing." I let out a silent breath of relief.

"But it just so happens the mountain was full of fools." She says this matter-of-factly. She opens the cell door and walks over to me.

She bends down to look me right in the eye. "So much fight for" she wipes one of my face cuts with her middle finger "blood, nothing has changed."

"Are you ready to accept my offer?" She says with amusement. "I stand by my word 'I'll never bow to you'." I smirk and Nia closes the door on her way out. I rest my head on the metal wall.

I can here Nia talking to the gaurds . but... Im ..... So ......tired.


I look at my reflection in the mirror. The scars that harden my face and the sweat from the hot dungeon I just left. But the biggest eye graber is the patch over where my ear used to be.

I clench my fist. The doors swing open. "We found her, your Majesty!" The dark skinned guard says filled with joy. "Take me to her." I order.


The heat of the sun hits my face. I take in all the people around me. My people. As I'm looking upward I bump into some ones shoulder .

I turn and grab the clumbsy basterd and force them to look at me. "Do you know who I am!?" I say. This person, long blond hair, female. "Tell me your not this stupid, Clarke."

At the name Clarke , everyone gasps. She's glaring at me, she has a log peace of fabric over her nose and mouth. I pull out my sword and point it at her stomach.

She backs up in obvious pain. She covers her weak spot and pulls out her gun and its not in her hands for two seconds before a knife is thrown in her hand.

Guards come up behind her and grab her arms. "Take her to the cell I have some bisness to attend to I won't be long."

Lexa POV

I wake with a jolt. Everything is blurry. There's a hand on my face. I flinch away. Then everything starts to come into focus.

Her blond hair, her eyes. "Clarke?" I ask. She nods her head. She's looking at my cuts. "I'm okay." I sleepily say.

I can now see only one of her wrists is cuffed. "I came here to save you." Clarke says angrily. "This is the plan." She whispers to me.

I lean on her and fall asleep.

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