Chapter Two: Tracy Jacks Attack

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Stupid privileged jocks and their stupid faces....just because he was a thespian with the finest of acting abilities didn't mean he was a "Faggot" or a "Fairy" stupid stupid stupid glossy dicks...Mindless meat brains...Those plus various other colorful insults bounced around Damon's peculiar, pounding little head as he sat up in the nurses clinic holding the ice pack firmly to his pulsating eye, his eye was black and purple, swollen shut in fact...he could barely even make out the nurse as he- "Damon Albarn. Pack. Eye. Now" Nurse Donahue ordered in her gruff cockney accent as she lifted her stern pug like gaze from her clip board to the newest student at Stanway...Far as she could tell he was just a big drama queen, attention seeker, in and out in and out of her clinic constantly, At least this time he had a valid reason for wasting her less than precious time.... "Yes Miss Donahue, anything for you Miss Donahue" Damon said with boyish grin as he obediently lifted the icy pack back up to his throbbing eye socket...Rumor had it that nurse Donahue had eaten a kid or two...baked them into mince pies...Damon didn't believe it of course, he wasn't going to chance getting her too cross though, there just wasn't any dignity in getting turned into pie filling. "So who's last nerve did you get on today kiddo?" Nurse Donahue asked curiously as she watched the boy slide down in the seat like a little nuisance...Damon sat up immediately from his slouched over position and hummed highly to himself before his lips tugged into a mischievous smirk that made all his features scrunch up slightly.... "Tracy Jacks" he said proudly and licked over his chapped lips as though the name had been delicious sugary candy on his tongue...she'd been the only person in the school Damon couldn't seem to irritate with his antics, well until today that was...When he stuck his hand in a bottle of black ink and pressed it against the bum of her fuchsia leotard...He could've sworn she had turned the color of it before growling and socking him one with her tiny girly fist of doom...Now that he knew she was susceptible to his childish antics, he could honestly say he annoyed every single person in his new school...Something that would've hurt if only he'd cared...It'd become a goal for him to at least annoy one person a day...Tracy had been fun but her bum was nowhere near as firm as the accentuating leotard had led Damon to believe...Oh well. "So you got beat up by a girl in a pink leotard?" Nurse Donahue asked with something Damon had never seen her do before, looked nice on her...well for an older heavy woman who ate children... "Fuchsia leotard" Damon corrected with a broad smile that only broadened as his newest conquest entered the room.... "Graham Coxon" Nurse Donahue said with a condescending air as the mopey darkly featured boy entered her clinic slovenly..."Can't say I'm surprised to see you here...What is it this time? Mysterious green rash? Cancerous looking hair growth?" Graham flushed at the mockery in embarrassment and shook his head a little as he showed her the deep bloodied teeth indents gracing his left forearm...He felt it was pretty self explanatory, plus he always got painfully shy whenever it came to talking to authority figures, especially ones that ate children, he was rather proud he'd summoned the courage to start such a long standing rumor and have it stick... "You were bitten by...What? Exactly" nurse Donahue asked with a scarily raised drawn on brow as she took hold of his arm in her rough manly hands...she could crush Graham like a twig if she wanted and he was slightly afraid she would...crunch his bones on white bread with strawberry jam... "My c-cat..Toddy" Graham managed to get out before jumping thirty feet into the air as the most obnoxious laugh he'd ever heard filled the room and startled him...Terrific, he thought clinics were supposed to help get rid of all pains, including pains in the ass aka Damon Albarn... "Your cat must be a real maestro, bite like that, I reckon he's a real cool cat, handsome too" The little pain in the ass purred as he eyed Graham up in a way that made him feel fifty shades of uncomfortable.... Didn't he know the acts of violence that came from looking at another boy like that? He certainly had more nerve than he did muscle... "Actually he's a real tit, a hairless of the ugliest cats you could imagine, annoying, don't even get me started on his teeth" Graham retorted effortlessly as he snuck a quick grin back at the now sulking Albarn who's right eyeball and socket looked like an overly ripe plum...Graham almost felt bad but he was also glad it wasn't him that was getting beat up...The day was still young though...and his face was like a bright red target for fists, his underpants a treasure trove for wedgies and his floppy hair an invitation for "swirlies" which basically were...Never mind, too disgusting to explain. Graham flinched as nurse Donahue dabbed the bite marks in antibacterial cream and took the plasters from her appreciatively...more than likely if his mum saw bite marks on him she'd assume he was up to no good with a girl his mother just expected to adore him...In reality though ninety eight percent of the girls here at Stanway didn't even know his name, the other two percent were teachers.... "Ave' y' considered m' offer?" Damon asked the gangly boy quietly as he readied to walk back off to French class...he expected a firm no...Maybe even a punch for the nasty bite he'd delivered...Graham guessed he could give it a go, it was either go, play, enjoy and tolerate Damon or go, suck, and bludgeon Damon with his telecaster for being so...frustrating...either way was cool with him... "My place or yours?..." Graham asked the plum eyed boy unsurely....oh what the hell, how bad could it? Graham already knew the answer..

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