the orlando shooting 12/06/16

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mentions of homophobia
mentions of the orlando shooting


What happened in Orlando was horrific and terrifying, and as a Muslim, I would like to apologize to all LBGT+ people and those affected, for the homophobia that many Muslims have, and the hatred that has caused this terrible tragedy and the loss o...

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What happened in Orlando was horrific and terrifying, and as a Muslim, I would like to apologize to all LBGT+ people and those affected, for the homophobia that many Muslims have, and the hatred that has caused this terrible tragedy and the loss of so many innocent lives. I am so sorry for your loss, and so sorry that something like this had to happen.

Yes, you read that correctly. I agree that many, many Muslims are homophobic and I will not say that Omar Mateen was 'not a proper Muslim' to ignore the fact that many Muslims are of similar belief to him and try to distance the fact that he was most probably religiously motivated. What I can tell you is that nothing, and nothing in Islam allows for such horrible things to be done.

I follow a religion that tells me that my God, my Allah is a kind, loving and merciful God, not a God of wrath or homophobia or hatred who orders us to kill all LGBT+ people because of who they are. In the past few days, all over social media, I have seen many posts full of cherry-picked quotes, completely out of context, 'facts and figures' and selective misinterpretations pertaining to Islam and how, apparently, my religion teaches hatred and killing.

If you read the Quran, you see verses that may forbid homosexuality but keep in mind that Islam came for all of humanity, not just straight people. The Quran may condemn homosexuality, but many Muslims digress, because Islam is a religion of peace, mercy and love, and Allah, who is said to love each and every one of us 70 times more than a mother could ever love her child could surely not hate his people for such a small thing.

The real question is, does Islam allows or commend the actions of the shooter?

Here's your answer : NO.

Non-Muslims and Muslim bigots may agree but this totally against the teachings of Islam. In Islam, you have no right to kill anyone, for any reason. Even if one believes that LGBT+ people are sinning, that person has no right to take the life of another person.

Many people who say that Islam commends what the shooter did are completely wrong. I will not say that Islam is not interpreted by many Muslims as anti-homosexuality, that would be a lie, but I will say that there is nothing in Islam that praises that horrible man for what he did, and there is nothing in Islam that will 'present him with women in heaven for his service to Allah."

But now we have pictures of Islam as a violent, hateful religion, and that every Muslim is a terrorist. What we are dealing with is this: the belief a 1400+ year old religion, with over 1.6 billion followers worldwide is a killing system.

I condemn what happened at the Pulse nightclub, and it hurts my heart every single time to think of what happened there, to think that someone who claims to be of my religion, my peaceful, accepting religion, did this 'in the name of Allah'. If that sick asshole was really religiously motivated, then why didn't he follow the main teaching of my religion, huh? Why wasn't he peaceful and accepting?

Here are some quotations from the Quran relating to the sin of murder :

" whoever kills a person (innocent soul) ( unjustly) is it though he has killed all mankind... "
[Surah 5 Ayat 32]

"And whoever kills an innocent soul intentionally, his recompense is Hell to abide therein; and the Wrath and the Curse of Allah are upon him, and a great punishment is prepared for him"
[al-Nisa' 4:93]

And you know what else? The Quran at many places states that if we see someone who is doing something that in our belief is 'against Islam' we have no right to make them act according to our beliefs or punish them or take any action, really.

Here are some Quranic verses supporting the above-mentioned belief.

"There shall be no compulsion in (the acceptance or enforcing of) religion."
[Surah Baqarah Ayat 256]

"And say : The Truth is from your Lord, whoever wills, let him believe, and whoever wills, let him disbelieve."
[Surah Al-Kahf Ayat 29]

The Quran says categorically that "There is absolutely no compulsion or coercion in (opting for a particular) Deen* (or a way of life or a system of beliefs and actions)"

*deen = religion, Islam, belief

Look at how, in simple words this religion clearly asks to mind your own business.

Islamically, you cannot enforce your beliefs upon ANYONE.

So even if one is to say that homosexuality is a sin, Islam does not allow in any way for someone to take it upon themselves to do such a horrible thing. An innocent soul is an innocent soul, regardless of religion, sex, gender, sexuality or race.

If this man was a Muslim, why wasn't he afraid of Allah's punishment for the disgusting thing he was out to do?

The truth is, that 'Muslims' like that man are manipulated and blinded by illiteracy, ignorance and hatred. They read into the Quran, reflections of their own dirty hearts and disgusting beliefs.

At the end I would like to ask of you not to blame the entire Ummah (Muslim community) for the actions of that horrible man who claims to follow Islam. We should stand in solidarity with the LGBT+ community but not take it as an excuse to spread Islamophobia. As Yasir Qadhi said, "He doesn't represent Islam as Caucasian male mass-shooters do not represent all of white people..."

If anyone can help out, here are some ways to do so :

Please, I encourage my fellow Muslims to join vigils and show support for the LGBT community in wake of this tragedy

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Please, I encourage my fellow Muslims to join vigils and show support for the LGBT community in wake of this tragedy.

May Allah punish Omar Mateen and make him pay for the murder and injury of 103 people in hell. Ameen.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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