A Quick Night Out

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He took you around the town showing you interesting historical spots you had never seen before and different pieces of architecture that had a more artistic vibe to it. Upon your wanderings you made your way back to the main part of town. It was littered with people. Different locals selling things from tables and then there were all the artists. You were drawn to one in particular. His strokes were harsh then gentle. Swiftly sprawling across his canvas. He was painting a scene of the city. The energy in his strokes reflected the energy of the city itself and he captured it within the canvas.


Klaus must have asked you something, but you were so lost in the strokes of the paintbrush you didn't even hear him.

"I'm sorry." You blushed at the fact that you were lost in the paint. Your friends always loved to give you a hard time of your love of the arts and how easily you could get lost in it all. "I tend to get lost in pieces of art."

"Something we share in common then," he replied while looking at you.

You felt your face heat at his stare. You looked down at your watch to realize the time.

"Well good sir. This evening has been wonderful, but I unfortunately have a morning shift. So I'm afraid my night must come to an end."

He smiled at you, but still looked a little disappointed your night had to end.

"Alright love. Let me escort you then."

"Such a gentleman. And people say chivalry is dead."

He put his arm back around your shoulders as he walked you home. You spoke more about your love for music and art. Something you could both go on and on about. You arrived at your door before you knew it and your nerves started to pick up. You wanted to kiss him, maybe more, but you didn't want to rush into things either. He excited you, but you could sense he had a dark side. Darker than most.

"I had a wonderful evening. Thank you."

"The pleasure was all mine." He placed a kiss on the back of your hand, but didn't let go.

You felt your fingers grazing over each other's as you shifted from one foot to the other. You looked up at him and felt your confident playful side come out again.

You placed a quick kiss on his cheek. "Goodnight Nik. I'll see ya around." You quickly hopped into your door and shut it before falling back onto it yourself.

He stood there surprised at your sudden exit, but smirked playfully at your door before going on his way. 

Sorry this part was so short. Couldn't really think of what to have them do without getting them into too much trouble so quickly. 

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