Chapter 4

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Kendall POV:

I walk out of the room and into the main party room, pass all the intoxicated teens, and out of the house onto the patio. I took off my black flip-flops and put them in my hand as I stepped from the patio to the sand. In the distance, a few older couples were walking hand-in-hand along the beach. I smiled. A few stragglers from the party were hanging on the beach on part of the Scotts property, smoking pot or just talking. You could still hear the music blasting from outside, so I walked further away to the shore until the music was nearly silenced by the distance and the slow, comforting sound of the crashing waves.

I walked along the edge of the sand, letting my bare feet come in slight contact with the chilly, yet calming water. I felt someone's presence close by. I looked up slowly, as to not scare them off. I saw a tall, blonde skinny boy who looked about my age, staring down at his feet as they kicked around the thick, wet sand and water mixture. He looked at me, as he must've felt my presence as well.

"Oh sorry, I understand if you want to be alone, I'll walk further up-shore," he said casually, pointing farther down the shoreline.

"Oh no, you're completely fine, I just needed a break from that party," I said, trying to sound as positive as possible.

"Yeah, me too, it was getting a little crazy in there. How'd you manage to get an invite? I heard it was pretty 'exclusive', only hand picked by two of the girls staying their for the summer," he joked.

"Are you saying I'm not cool enough for that party?" I joked, trying to sound offended.

"Oh no no no, not at all," he said timidly, trying to apologize.

I laughed, "No I'm just kidding, I'm actually one of the girls who 'hand picked' the guests. I'm a good friend of Lucy Scott, Luke's brother," I explained, "How about you?"

"Oh, I know them well. We used hang out every summer down here together, but now we're not as close. He still invites me to his summer kick-off party every year, but we never get a chance to talk."

"Really? I come here every summer, and I don't recognize you," I said, feeling embarrassed and ashamed, "I'm sorry... for not knowing you and about your friendship," I explained.

"It's okay, I used to come down to their house a lot when we were really young," he explained.

"Oh see, I've only been coming for the past four or five years, so our paths must've never crossed," I realized, feeling a little bit better.

"Yeah... So, I guess you gotta get in there and make sure your 'hand-picked' guests are getting everything they need, huh?" he joked and laughed, lightening the mood.

"Oh shut up!" I scoffed, lightly punching his shoulder, "But I better get going, actually. It was really nice meeting you... What was it?" I asked.

"I never said, but it was Neil. Yours?" he asked, smiling.


"Alright, I'll see ya, Kendall," he said, waving as I walked away.

Sabrina POV:

I didn't want to be alone, so I went into Chuck's bedroom to see if he wanted to talk with me. Since I was drunk, I walked into Matt's room instead, and before I realized, I walked further into the room. I saw Matt pushing Lucy on the wall and heavily making out with her. 

I slowly closed the door, hoping they wouldn't notice, and ran down the hallway and down the steps. I was so flustered that I didn't see where I was going. I bumped into Luke, and he asked me what was wrong.

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