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        Napstablook, or Blooky, really didn't like to be a ghost. It was annoying, honestly, he couldnt touch anything without fazing through it. Now, back then, he could always ask Mettaton's former self for help to calm himself and get himself to be touchable. But since Mettaton ran away and left him biting dust, nothing will ever be the same, and nothing will ever know the touch of a ghost. That is, until today.
        "Blooky!" Blooky jumped with a jolt, as the familiar robotic sound was heard from outside his door as he was preparing some songs.
        He walked over to the door, out of curtesy an opened it for the famous robot, "W-why are you h-here, Mettaton...?"
        "Oh... Blooky darling... I'm so sorry for leaving you!" Mettaton kneeled and gave Blooky a hug was the moment Blooky didnt faze through Mettaton's arms, and was the moment Blooky realized and confirmed his suspisions. This was his cousin, the one who ha abandoned him so many years ago. This was Happstablook.

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