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Hi guys back with the next chapter..

Swara running from sanky , collides with someone n gets shocked..
Swara: Sorry.. (pause) mam
Mam:(angry) look before u go.. N dont run..
Swara: (smiling) im really sorry mam.
Mam : its ok
Someone from back tells the teacher something n she gets angry, while swara was abt to go, she stops her..

Mam: wait.. So u r ms.khanna
Swara:(smiling) s maam.. My full name is
Mam: no need.. I heard a lot abt u. N concentrate on ur studies first rather than boys.
Swara gets shocked n puzzled.. She doesn't know wat she is talking abt..
Swara: maam
Vanita: dont speak when vanita speaks.. Let me comeplete..
Swara just nods..

In staff room
Student:may i come in maam
Vanita: s come in..
Student: mam here is the notes which u asked me to prepare.
Vanita : thank u dear
Student: my pleasure maam.
Vanita: so how is ur mom (actually student is her relative)
student:she is good mam.. (gets upset)
Vanita:y r u upset dear
Student: huh nothing mam.. Its just tat.. Nothing
Vanita:it's ok tell me
Student : actually, in our clas a girl is there, due to her, i guess evryone will get spoiled.
Vanita:wat do u mean
Student: u know maam, she always talks with boys n now she always use to be close with our principal son, im just afraid tat, seeing her other students should not get spoiled ..
Fills her ears against swara naming her as miss khanna
Vanita: ya right.. U just show me who she is. I will bring her to the right path..
Thanks her n leaves the staff room..

Vanita: though im new here but i have kept some students from each class to maintain discipline.. But u r spoiling other students by ur free nature.. This is a school, so stop ur free nature to our principals son and other student...
Swara gets teary eyed listening her taunt.. She was on the top level of anger. She wants to shout at her but was just listening her taunt as she is elder. Swara use to play prank to take revenge from teachers but only for her frnds ,not a single time for Her,as no one have done this to her.. No one.. Cause everyone knows abt her nature. But swara keeps quite as the teacher is new here and didn't want to create any scene.. The teacher taunts her so much, rahul who heard her taunts from back ,tries to speak but the teacher stops him in interfering n taunt him too for supporting her. The teacher leaves after some taunts n swara goes running to her class followed by rahul.. Where as sanky searching her in ground, feeling restless without her.. Swara ask rahul to not tell anything to sanky. Rahul assures her n tries to console her but she asks him to leave. Rahul leaves sadly. Where as sanky reaches swara's class n sees her lying on desk .
Sanky: hi swara.. I was searching from long back, see u r here. Come lets go down n enjoy.
Swara after hearing sankys voice gets more tears but she wipes it before sanky could notice n composes herself to face him.. But someone saw both of them alone n thought a plan n smiles evilly.
Swara: i was not feeling well sanky.
Sanky see swara's swollen eyes n ask
Sanky: why did u cry
Swara: wat.. I dint cry stupid.. Its due to tiredness..
She tries to leave but sanky catches her hand n turn her around..
Sanky: (shouts) tell me damn it. Y did u cry..
Swara after seeing him angry gets scared n taken a back. She hears some foot steps n peeks out of the room n sees miss vanita n gets scared. As swasan are alone in the class n she may Taunt her more.. So swara pushes sanky behind the door n asks him to keep quite for a while. Where as vanita sees swara n eyes her angrily
Vanita: wat are u doing here.. Don't u have March past practice.
Swara: s maam im leaving
Vanita : u have only time for chit chatting n laughing with boys. Go fast ..
Saying this she leaves n sanskar was abt to shout at the teacher hearing her but swara close his mouth with one hand while facing the teacher until she leaves, as she was leaning on the door. She gets relieved after the teacher leaves but sanky was burning in anger n his face turned red due to anger. He understood the reason behind swaras tears.. Swara takes her hand from his mouth. Sanky comes out.
Sanky: i know wat happened.. But i want u to tell me everything.. If u deny, i will go n ask her directly..
Swara knows sanky will not listen to any of her excuse n tells him everything n gets teary eyes.. Sanky seeing her tears cups her face n wipes her tears with his thumb.
Sanky: I'm sorry swara.. I'm really sorry. It's all because of me.. But how dare she to judge someone like this.. I will not leave her. See wat i will do now..
Swara was abt to stop him but he kiss her forhead leaving her shocked n leaves the room. Swara feels overwhelmed with his care n her lips form a small curve.
whereas sanky goes to his mom n narates swara's incident without mentioning her name..
Sanky: so tell me mom, is there any fault of her. N how can a teacher talk with a student in this manner.
Princi: i will look after this sanky. U don't worry. Tell me who is she..
Sanky: mom its non other than swara..
Princi gets up from her seat in utter shock n gets angry .
Princi(angry n shouts) : who the hell is the teacher.. Ask her to come n meet me now..
Sannky is taken a back to see his mom's new avatar. He rushes n brings the teacher in princi room. N princi ask him to leave. Sanky leaves
Vanita: hello maam
Princi: Its been long time since we talked. I gues last time i saw u in the party with ur family miss vanita, how is ur daughter..
Vanita: s maam.. She is fine..
Princi: i saw her with a boy sterday, dont u think u should keep her within home.. Coz nowadays ,u know wat i mean..
Vanita: no maam, i think u saw her with karan.. He is her childhood frnd.. So i know him very well. U r thinking wrong abt them..
Princi: (rude) is tat so, then how can u think wrong abt swara..
Vanita: swara.. School spl. ??
Princi: s of course.. (angrily)
Vanita :sorry maam.. I haven't seen her.
Princi: if so then, dint u shout anyone at school today.
Vanita thinks for a while
Vanita: oh ya.. Miss khanna.. Actually ,she is really spoiled brat, i guess.
Princi: (gets hyper)stop it right there.. How can u judge someone like this.. Once u r saying ,u dont know Swara n then u r saying her spoiled brat.. R u in ur sense.. She is swara khanna..
Vanita gets shocked..
Vanita: sorry maam, i really dont know she is same swara who is discussed by teachers in the staff room. but i got some info regarding her
Before she could complete.
Princi: stop right there. I dont want any of ur explanation. A teacher who cant respect a student, will never respect the profession.. Take this n leave right now.
The principal fired her at spot with two months salary. The teacher was feeling guilty as well as angry.. She doesn't know wat to do n silently leaves the room.. On the way she finds swara. Swara seeing her gets teary eyes n turns to leave but vanita stops her and apologizes for her mistake. Swara gets shocked by her sudden behavior.before swara could say something, vanita leaves. Someone noticing this stamp there foot n says "is baar bhi bach gayi" and leaves from there.

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