Abusive grandmother

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Dear Diary,
Danielle here, today I'm graduating high school! I'm so excited to get out of that school, why you ask? Because ever since the incident people have distance themselves from me even more and I can't even describe how thrilled I am to be moving out of my abusive nannies house.
Ever since I went to live with her she's been abusive towards me. Like every time I forgot to do something she'd get a belt and hit me with it. I had marks, scars, bruises, scabs and cuts. Once she even stabbed my hand with a fork and never took me to the hospital only because I tried calling child support, I almost bled to death. This is why I cannot wait to move out. ASAP. I'm thinking of moving to New York. The city that never sleeps, the place that I can fulfill my hopes and dreams. Well I think I'd better book the plane tickets now cause I already bought an apartment there when I was on holidays over there , it is a three bedroom apartment and I don't want to stay alone so I'm trying to find roommates, so far I found two guys that have a clean background and are willing to pay 2/3 of the rent. And plus they're my age aswell so I'm hoping we'll become bestfriends cause I don't really have friends. My grandmother doesn't know that I'm leaving for New York in a week or two, if she finds out I'm going to  be slaughtered. LITERALLY. So I'm hoping on the day I'm leaving I'm going to leave a note on the fridge and tell her I'm leaving forever because of her and that I'm not even going to come back to Ireland as long as live and if i do come back it's because Donald Trump is reelected for president. And that I'm never ever going to ever forgive you. What you think to harsh? I don't think it is after all the hell she's dragged and put me through.
Ok I think I should get a bit of sleep for tomorrow but before that I'm going to pack my entire wardrobe in my new red suitcase! It's huge.
P.S tomorrow is the only time I'm going to be loving and effectionate towards other human beings so enjoy while it lasts!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2016 ⏰

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