Chapter 2- Differences

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I leave my food on my plate and go upstairs. I don't know why I feel this way, but I feel hurt.  What they said shouldn't have affected me.
Digging for a bit in my room, I find my journal I've had for a while. I take out my special blue gel pen and add that on to the list of things not to say anymore.
I think the list is starting to grow.
Don't ask parents about
1-Why can't I dress like boys
2-Why do have have to have girl friends
3-What's so bad about my aunt
4-Why can't I be like a boy
5-Whats bad about Heterosexuality

I hear rumbling outside my window and when I peer out, a moving truck is parked in front of the house next to ours. I'm hoping for friends so I skip downstairs and out the door before my parents could say anything.

When arriving there, I could tell for sure that the new neighbors had kids. I knocked on the wooden door and a boy about a year younger than me opened it. He had sandy blonde hair and a small piece of it fell just over his eyes.

"H-hi," I say awkwardly, "I'm Julie."

"I'm Drew. Um...why are you at my new house?"

"Oh, I live over there." Pointing to my new house, I smile. "Are you going to attend middle school?"

He nods nervously and now that I look closer, he's getting kind of flushed. I also notice that's he's kinda cute. "Yeah, 7th grade. I think my mom said I'm in Miss Prior's class. You?"

I hope I'm not blushing too much, that would be bad. Very bad. But he's going to be in my class. "Oh my gosh, I'm in that class too!"

He looks surprised...I think I came across too excitedly. " Well I gotta go. I'll see you around."
He slowly shuts the door and I'm left there, glued to his front steps.

He already hates me.

Sorry for the long wait! It's been a while, I know. I was just very busy with school and now I finally have the time

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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