Dare #2

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*Everyone except Ellagaard are currently meeting*

Me: We got another dare.

Gabriel: Alright. Should I get Ellagaard? I noticed you told everyone but her about the new dare.

Me: Uh, no. Absolutely not.

Olivia: The dare is about her isn't it?

Magnus: Can I leave now?

Me: Hahahah, funny. No

Magnus: Why?

Me: Because @emo_pegasus_264 dared you to kiss Ellagaard.

Both Jesses: *dies*

Lukas: *dies*

Petra: *dies*

Axel: *coughs*

Olivia: *fangirls*

All in the old Order besides Magnus: *dies of laughter*

Me: The best part is she can't know about it.

Magnus: .-. Not happening.

Me: You have literally no choice.

Magnus: I refuse.

Me: .........

Me: ...........

Me: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Magnus: ....

Me: Do. It.

Me: Well, do it in a minute we need to focus of the fact that Man Jesse is still shirtless.

Petra: *runs for tissues*

Me: Heh.

Me: Alright, now you can do it.

Magnus: Fine. *walks out of the room*

Me: Follow him!

*outside Ellagaard's room*

Magnus: *opens door and walks in*

The rest: *follows slowly behind*

Ellagaard: What's this about?

Magnus: *grabs Ellagaard and kisses her*

Me: *squeals and faints*

Olivia: *unintelligible, high-pitched, noises*

Them: *still kissing*

Soren: This is amazing!

Ivor: *smacks Soren*

Magnus: *breaks kiss*

Ellagaard: *speechless*

Soren: Again! 

Gabriel: It was a-

Olivia: You can't say that!! *covers Gabriel's mouth with hand*

Lukas: This is odd.

Petra: If this happens again I will freak.

Olivia: If this happens again I'll die.

Magnus: Um.. yeah.. okay then... *walks out*

Ellagaard: 0.0

Soren: So cute!

*distant screams of "JUST KISS!" can be heard*

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