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Phil waited patiently for Dan to come over, he was so excited his parents were going out for the night and his brother marytn was sleeping over a friends. Dan and Phil were both In high school and both had braces. Yup! Dan and Phil were both metal mouths! Phil was just so excited called Dan every minute to see if he was close. Dan thought it was absolutely adorable!finally, Dan walked through the the door and Phil smiled so big that u could see his green bands and metal brackets perfectly! Dan get your butt over here! Phil then pushed Dan against the wall and he kissed him passionately. Then Dan stuck his tongue in his mouth and started feeling his green bands.then Phil went ain deeper and then he tried to pull out and he couldn't! His bracket was caught in dans wire! Crab dah-! Phib-! Oml Phillip! Phils mum then ran out of Phils room! Omg Phil started to cry Phib calp dab!!!! Dab this gonnab kicp meb oub! Phib phib cam don! Muth can u take us to the orthob? did this happen boys their ortho asked?. They were making out! Phils mum said both of the boys were blushing. We got gays coming into our business great! Excuse me what the hell did u say and now angry Dan said. U guys are fuckings fag! U are a fucking ass hole Dan yelled at the ortho! Phil was silently crying to himself why does everyone hate us !!! Phil Phil calm down I love you, your parents love u and your subscribers love you that's all that matters, hun he kissed him passionately.i love u Dan , I love u Phil! The end!

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