When Screw Ups Meet Bad girls

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I didn't know.

I mean when you have a moment, those special moments that all the movies and books talk about, you never really know.

It's all just one big fat mystery.

No I promise I won't spin some big fat love story full of gushy romance for you , but it is a story.

Of what you may ask?

Even i'm still not entirely certain but it became a huge part of my life.

So huge in fact I still think about it before I got to sleep some nights.

I try and think of where I went wrong, why I messed up so bad, or who messed it up for me.

I mean yeah occassionaly I do want to pin the blame on someole else but when things tend to get bad, you would to.

Everyone has done it.

Oh I should have started out with my name, silly me , I forget a lot of stuff.

But yeah back to my name, my name is Victoria

But everyone calls me V.

And I am probabaly the biggest screw up you will ever meet.

This is my story.

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