What is this?

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I wake up and check my phone; ugh I'm so unpopular, I only have 12 texts, 5 new dms and 2 famous boy bands trying to talk to me. I crawl out of bed and casually throw on the first thing I find. It's a vibrant turquoise miniskirt and a blue sweater, the colour of the ocean. A deep blue, with flecks of purple and green, with just a hint of a slightly lighter shade of blue and a teal tint. I sigh as I look at my waist length long blonde flowing locks of golden hair, radiating with colour, and stare into my deep blue orbs. I'm so incredibly ugly. I burst into tears as I walk downstairs, having done my makeup in the time it took me to describe my simple, casual outfit.
I say hi to my parents, and then I realised that they are in a different country or they died in a car crash. I can't remember and I seem to keep changing my mind but it's a really big deal to me. I get into my Ferrari to drive to school with my packed lunch, because I'm to poor to afford the school lunch.
*skip to the point with the stuff and the things are happening*
My bestest friend ever shouts to me despite the fact we are standing 7 inches apart.
We converse for 5 minutes, making wise and intellectual conversation like the previous conversation.
"Hello class, your teacher has randomly disappeared so I will be your teacher from now on"
A hot raspy voice  says. "I am Mr Styles but you can call me Mr Styles for short"
He's so hot
I say in my head
"Exuse me?" Mr Styles says
Oh whoops I guess I somehow forgot the difference between thinking and talking...
"Hehe... Nothing sir" I stammer
"See me after class" Mr Styles says
The whole class loudly says OOOHH and I go bright red but then forget about it the next moment when there isn't anything interesting to write about.
*skip to after class*
"Ms Kylie, why did you say that?"
"I just think you are really hot and so yeah"
I say, for some reason becoming incredibly sassy and confident.
Suddenly a guy bursts into the classroom
"Mr Hemmings..." Harry says (because we now know his name is Harry)
"Kylie, come with me to my band practise you have an amazing voice!" Says the random guy whom I've never met or heard of before
"Ok Luke Hemmings from 5 Seconds of Summer which is your band in which you sing and play the guitar"
"Great" he says, and leaves.
"No!" Harry growls, and grabs my arm
"Stay away from him, come to my band practise"
"Oh you're in a band? What instrument do you play?" I ask curious
"I am hot and some people call me Hazza apparently and you are mine" Harry says, answering my question.
"Ok" I say and leave
*skip to the bit where she bumps into Luke*
"Oh hi Luke, I can't go to your band practise because Mr Styles my teacher says that I'm his..." I tell Luke
"Oh that's because he is a werewolf but you don't have to worry about him" Luke replies
"Oh ok that's fine then, see you u at your practise"
*at the practise*
"Meet my band* Luke says
"Hi I'm Ashton"
"Hi I'm Michael"
Hi I'm Callum"
"Hi in Kylie"
Suddenly I like all of them and want them to be my boyfriends.
*goes to one direction practise*
"Kylie, meet my band"
"Hi I'm Niall"
"Hi I'm Liam"
"Hi I'm Louis"
"Zany is our enemy, he is a vampire"
"Oh ok great" I say
I tell Harry that Luke said he was a werewolf
"WHAT" Said Harry
"Ok we have adopted you now, you will live will us and you're beautiful come with us on tour"
Then Justin Bieber bursts into the room on a vine, grabs me and swings out the room. He kidnaps me and says he is a pixie and so I must live with him. Now I love him. Then Zayn finds JBs secret base and saves me.

I am living at Zayns house, wearing oversized jumpers and leggings, and then 5SOS burst into the room again and say "we've come to save you!" But then Zayn hides
Then 1D burst in the room and growl at Zayn and attack him because he is a vampire and they are werewolves. Justin Bieber starts flying around the room because he is a pixie and the members of 5SOS turn into alpacas and spit on everyone. Then suddenly batman crashes through the roof and takes me to live in the bat cave and I train to become the next batwoman, and 10 years later I'm strong enough to kill the people from my dark past, but since I can't be bothered I'll just have multiple boyfriends until one day I eventually die.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2016 ⏰

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