Chapter Two

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After the night I met Mason, we exchanged numbers and went our separate ways. I didn't hear from him for almost a week. He was back on my side of town helping a friend move, when I got a couple of texts from him. He asked if I'd like to go out for dinner, but I knew I had to be at work the next morning, so I had to decline. Then Mason asked to just come and see me for a few hours. I didn't say no, but at the same time I didn't actually say yes. He showed up around 6 or 7 that night.

I was outside looking for something in my car, when he parked in the spot next to me. Mason was looking super cute, which was distracting me from what I was looking for. I got out of my car to greet him, and we walked over to the bench that sat out front of my build to talk.

"Nice to see you again, Kinsley," Mason said, as we sat down.

"Nice to see you too, Mason."

"I really wish you would get dinner with me. I would actually like to take you on a date."

"Mason, I already told you over text. I gotta go in early to work tomorrow."

"Oh, well maybe some other time. Say, what do you do for a living?" Mason asked me, as I watched him fidget with the bottom of his shirt.

"I work at the new Juvenile Detention Center, in SoHo. It just opened last year. It's a pretty good job."

"That's good."

"Yea, I like it. Working with children and teens, helping them get better so they can go home, and not end up in jail is always a good thing. Too bad some still choose the life of crime when they leave," I said, as I get more comfortable on the bench.

Mason just nodded, as we sat there in silence for longer than I would have liked. I listened to the sounds around us, as Mason's phone started to make noise. He answered it, and got up to take the call. When he came back, he looked kinda mad, but that look faded as he sat back down. I was about to say something, but nothing important came to mind. Mason stared at his phone for a few minutes more, before talking again.

"Kinsley, be honest with me, why won't you go on a date with me?"

"I have to work early tomorrow, and I know dates are usually more than just dinner. Besides, I don't like the whole dinner date thing. It's too normal, and normal is boring most of the time. I want something exciting to happen," I explained to him. I really don't like dinner dates. Going to dinner is fine, but if there's nothing exciting going to happen afterwards, then no thank you. "I'm sorry, Mason!"

"I can be exciting, and take you anywhere you want to go. You don't want dinner, fine. Just spend a few hours with me on a real date, and if you don't like me after that, you won't see me again."

"Wait a minute, that's not fair. I do wanna go on a date with you, but not tonight. Why do you keep pressuring me for a date?"

"Because, I don't think you like me very much, and there for won't go on a date with me."

"I hardly know you Mason, give it time damn it! Going on a date is how you get to know people in the first place."

Mason kept his mouth shut as he shifted in his seat and began playing on his phone. He looked nervous or something, but it was kinda cute to me. I knew I had a couple more hours to do whatever I wanted, before I needed to go to sleep for work the next day, so I invited Mason up to my apartment to watch a movie. As we made it up the stairs, my roommate Deanna was coming down to go to work. She always worked third shift, which meant I mostly saw her weekends, and after work for a few hours. Anyway I introduced her to Mason just before she left.

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