Sorceress of the Void

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Sorceress of the Void

     Molten rock crawled down the mountain, a silent fire of anger which the civilians below looked upon in hushed acceptance. They had all known; they had all stopped and watched when the smoke rose from the top and the earth shook with the finality of what was coming to them. All stood still, no sound of panic emanated from the crowd of onlookers that had congregated in the town's center. Dark clouds gathered, intermingling with the black smoke rising from the summit. 

A quake trembled the earth beneath them for a few breathtaking moments as people held onto one another for support until it was still once more. Man, woman and child shared meaningful looks between their loved ones and began to rearrange themselves into a large circle, gripping each others hands as they made a large space in the center. Rain began to pour, they heard broiling hisses of water meeting fire. 

A young woman, short and slight in frame, stepped into the center.

She carried with her a small child, no more than a week old. Her dark cloak rippled in the growing power of the wind as she brushed a few gold curls out of her babe's gentle face.

The woman peered through her tear stained eyes to the onlookers that encircled them to see her brother's face that smiled reassuringly back at her. They had already said their goodbyes. There were no more words needed to be said, the bond between the siblings and the love that twinkled in both of their saddened eyes was enough.

It was then that the cradled girl awoke and began to cry. The mother comforted her child, quietly hushing and whispering soft words of assurance.

    "Tannin, It is time." A male voice broke the silence behind her, and she turned toward it. She smiled at the man through her grief, and kissed her child's forehead. 

    "I am ready Ordath," she whispered back. 

The young girl not yet older than a cycle of the moon cried louder as the rest of the community around them attempted not to do the same. Salted drops fell with the rain, the chill penetrated their bones in an unnerving irony that frozen death was what came for them. 

A wailing noise came from the bundle in the woman's arms, and a crack of lightning came in response. Tannin closed her eyes for a moment and kneeled to the ground. Her pale hands set her only child onto the ground and leaned into her ear. "Your destiny is far greater than any of ours. For every darkened hour, there are a thousand reasons to fight for light. I wish for you to find your place and spread hope to all those who are too far in their despair to find it themselves. Be brave and strong. Be what's right in this world."

She paused, holding back a sob that threatened to break her voice. "I love you, my precious daughter."

Another quake shook them all, this one far stronger than the last. A frightful explosion came from the mountain's peak, and billows of grey ash erupted from the top and raced down to where mortal souls awaited their deaths. It would only be a few moments now.

Tannin quietly slipped a delicate chain around her daughter's neck, a silver ring adorned with intricate patterns of runes and a small white jewel in the center was threaded onto it. Then, wriggling a wax sealed letter under the fabric surrounding the crying girl, she stood and stepped backwards to take her place in the circle of people who clasped their hands together. 

Ordath, in turn, walked forward and placed his hand on the child. "May your destiny unfold so that you may undo what has been done." He moved away and turned to the people, a sharp gesture signaled for them to begin their chant.

    "Diogelu bywyd hwn, fynd â hi i ddiogelwch Arnelia," haunted voices repeated, again and again until a shining light enveloped the babe in the center. 

The sorcerer who held his hands over her watched as the ashen wall came upon them and turned his gaze down to the now disappearing girl.

    "You are the world's light, Eira of fates."

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