Chapter One - Besiegement of Arnelia

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 Chapter One 

Besiegement of Arnelia

     "And clean out the horse stables once you're done!" A teasing voice called out after the retreating girl.

Eira rolled her eyes and continued on her way through the marketplace. Arnelia was a busy city, the heart of the kingdom, and trade was abundant throughout it's entirety. The morning was a day like any other. 

A chilly autumn sunrise, a light grey sheen of clouds covered the expanse of sky, and Eira's only thoughts were that heaven forbid she would spend it all inside. 

The young woman carried the mess of children's clothes through the extensive halls, her shoes clipping steadily along towards her destination. Once in front of the large double doors that led into the room, her foot lifted off the ground to kick the handle down and simultaneously pushed inward to announce her presence.

"Good morning children!" Her sing-song voice echoed in the immense room that had stunned her the first time she came in, sure that such a room was not meant for just two kids. It was lavishly decorated in purples and golds, the kingdom signia on as many places as could possibly be put into a single room, or so Eira thought. 

The two lumps on the pair of beds groaned and turned over onto another side in order to tune out the elder girl. Another calling of their names received no answer in favor of returning to the land of sleep. Eira grinned mischievously at their lack of enthusiasm for such a gorgeous morning. 

It took just a moment to toss the clothes onto a nearby armchair and waltz over to the twins beds. Collan was spread out on his bed with the sheets entangling him into a tight snare, though she doubted it was uncomfortable. Mindarie was curled up into herself, pulling the blankets as close to her as was possible. The young woman stood in between the kid's beds and readied herself, all the while making sure no guard was currently watching her childish behavior. Her feet lifted off the ground and bounced onto Collan's soft cushiony bed before jumping across the way to his sister's, successfully startling them both into a confused wakefulness.

Mindarie groaned and waved her hand at Eira in annoyance. "Fod yn llonydd."

Eira was then frozen in place as her body refused to obey her command. She crashed down onto Mindarie's bed in a heap, glaring at the girl who seemed to pay no attention to her paralyzed form. It felt strange not to have any control of her body, and Eira felt a pang of jealousy at the sheer power the twins possessed. Before waking up even!

"Mindarie," she found that her mouth was still able to move, albeit sluggishly. "Let go or I'm telling your father."

Before the threat had even fully left her mouth, the girl still huddled in her blankets muttered angrily and Eira was granted mobility of all her body parts once again. Standing and rubbing her neck, she added, "Use magic on me one more time and I swear you'll find toads inside your pillow case."

Mindarie had sat up by this point and made an amused look at the threat. Eira attempted to give a menacing stare in return, but failed miserably. Huffing in frustration, she picked herself up and brushed off imaginary dirt to make some form of point that it was unacceptable to freeze one's caretaker.

Collan had now risen as well, grumbling about the noise and how wrong it was to be woken before breakfast was ready. He shivered after grandly throwing the blankets off of himself in a small fit, no doubt now regretting that decision. Locks of fluffed brown hair defied gravity this way and that, as it did every morning before Eira brushed it out. She couldn't help but giggle at the sight. It never ceased to amaze her how the sleepy eyed children could inspire such hair ruffling tendencies within her. 

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