Boris and the tree killing cancer

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Boris stood on his porch looking out over the forest surrounding his house, stretching to every corner of the horizon. It was late evening and fire flies swam lazily through the air.

"What will we do about this forest" Boris said apparently to himself.

"The trees are surely dying" said a small voice coming from a small glowing creature floating by Boris head.

Boris rolled up his sleeves and slapped his hands together. A shock wave of energy shot out in all direction. Boris closed his eyes and sent his mind with the energy. It had taken him thousands of years to develop this ability and it was still a challenge to surround the whole planet with his consciousness. He was prepared to endure the pain because he had worked hard to get to this planet and he would be damned if it died on his watch.

Boris mind soared through trees festooned with bioluminescence. Reaching deeper he dove into the trees. Commingling his mind with their strange consciousness. They did not know what ailed them but they could tell him where they suffered the most. Halfway around the world in the chasm where mountains flowed Boris found the source of his beloved forests malady.

"What do you see" said the whips squeaky voice?

The distraction snapped Boris mind back to his body. He opened one eye to look at the Whisp.

"MacGyver please don't interrupt me when I'm projecting. The trees on this planet are in fact one massive organism. It must have taken millions of years for trees to cover the whole planet. The oldest part where the tree thing was born is within the floating mountains. I suspect the mountains float because they are made up of an alien material. They likely rained down on their planet as asteroids after this planet was born. One of the asteroids contained the tree thing. The oldest part of the tree thing appears to have developed some form of cancer. Cancer was common among humans before they became a multi planetary species. It was cured by Doctor Jack Bell. I remember it well because I was one of his research assistants. "

Boris closed the eye which had been staring at MacGyver. "Come, I'll show you how to cure a cancer."

MacGyver flew to Boris forehead and their minds bonded. They soared together across the endless green forest, slowing as they came to the floating asteroid festooned with thousands of trees. Large vines connected asteroids like strings of pearls.

Flocks of bright purple birds flew from asteroid to asteroid cawing at the monkeys who tried to steal their eggs. Boris flew to an asteroid so matted with roots you couldn't see the surface. They floated down into the ground, the layer of roots was 4 meters thick and dark as pitch. Below light up with a brilliant golden radiance. The light emanated from what looked like soft golden glowing grass which covered what Boris assumed would be the rock of the asteroid. The grass seemed to move, bending towards them as if reaching. As soon as Boris mind touched the grass he felt his energy draining away.

"This damn grass stuff is sucking my life force" said Boris.

He forced through the layer of grass progressing slowly.

With one last push they were through and they were once again surrounded by pitch blackness.

"This should be rock and roots" said Boris. "Its where the cancer started but I sense nothing around us. literally nothing. As if this where the vacuum of space."

They flew around the circumference of the asteroid center and through the middle but found nothing except dark nothingness.

"Hello" said a voice echoing all around them.

"You are the cancer" said Boris.

"It is true; I cannot live without destroying my host" said the voice.

"No" said Boris. "I can adjust your biology so you have a symbiotic relationship with your host."

Interacting with the voice had shown Boris its nature and he could now see how it existed on a dimension previously unknown to him. That was how it affected the whole forest across such a wide area of three dimensional space while only existing in this asteroid.

The cancer was siphoning energy from the forest. All he needed to do was redirect the siphon to a dimension full of energy. The forest would stop dying and the cancer would thrive.

"Boris as a token of my gratitude I feel I should tell you that your daughter has been killed" said the cancer.

"How could you know of such a thing before me" said Boris.

'It happens in 2 days' time' said the cancer.

"You can see into the future?" said Boris.

"The point in time at which I exist is larger than yours. A second for me spans weeks of your time so I simultaneously experience 4 weeks in what you experience in a second. I am able to communicate with you because I speed up a part of my consciousness to match the rate your time passes."

"My daughter is guarded by advanced technology. What killed her and how did it bypass the safeguards?"

"Look, I will show you" said the cancer.

Suddenly Boris was standing in a room on earth. A naked man with black skin which seemed to suck light stood by him.

"I believe we are in one of my daughters houses on earth."

Ornate double doors swung open as a woman stormed into the room. She was laughing and wearing a long flowing lace dress which constantly moved, accentuating her form.

"It's not that funny" said a man following her into the room. 

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 15, 2016 ⏰

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