School's new dish

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"Admit it. You're jealous."

"You're a fish and he's the hook, simple."

"Well, duh. You weren't even on same page with him."

"Likes you? Oh please Rapunzel, that's completely demented."

The tv spoke while I switched on every other channels and hungrily thrusted a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth.

I normally just watched any movies and tv shows without skipping a scene, or in my case, switching on a new channel. But why did it feel like I had been collided by a meteorite while I stand emotionless on a ground like a scarecrow?

A ping from my phone zoomed me out of my thoughts and I catched a glance at the sports channel I chose as tiny specs on the screen ran on a green expanse of field. I grabbed my phone on the coffee table and put down the bowl before gradually reading the message from Hailey.

Mrs. Andrews: Hey Nikki! You got the invitation?

What invitation?<

I replied back, puzzled. Wedding invitation from her dad's?

Mrs. Andrews: Haven't you opened your Facebook account yet? Nathan posted an invitation and tagged us! He's throwing another party on Saturday! And guess what...

Wait Saturday? Hailey hadn't replied yet, so I called her instead. This was much more convenient than typing and waiting. I wonder why she didn't think of that?

"What?" I blurted out, reaching for the bowl to take another spoonful of ice cream.

"Wow. Why haven't I thought of that... Anyways, Nathan talked to me, for an hour, on a video chat!" She shrilled excitedly on the other line.

"Really? Aww, what have you guys talked about then?" I asked with a grin, but Hailey stayed silent for a millisecond which turned out strange for her to be doing, considering she was inside her bubble with her stimulus running wildly.

"About the theme... and other stuffs." Hailey nervously titters.

"Well? Can you be more specific, I'm missing a lot in here." I probed, while lifting my feet on the couch.

"Uhm..." She paused, but never in a minute continued.

Hailey's actions drove me crazy. I couldn't fathom why she acted far-out behind her excitement after I asked her about what they talked about.

"Hey, Hailey? Are you still there?"

I grumbled, after she answered me with a faint yes in question. "You know what? Whatever. Keep it to yourselves, if you think it's too confidential to even share it to your best friend. I mean, I'm not even overly excited to hear you say what you guys talked about."

Rolling my eyes, I grabbed the remote control from the coffee table and tapping the red button turning the tv off.

"I'll tell you some other time, just not now, okay? Right now can we just focus on the main topic?" She answered, while I crimped my eyebrows in confusion.


"Okay so, about the theme..." She started, while I took another spoon of ice cream.

"Nathan named it, Party in white."

I choked, "Party in white?"

"What are we, like corpses from our own coffins?" I deadpanned, standing up with my empty bowl as I sauntered towards the kitchen sink.

Falling In Fall (Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now