Everything Red

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~~~Hai, I will be writing this story. Now this story is random so please don't be startled or confused about it. Nothing will make sense (: wellllll, let's begin. -Cewkiester.~~~

It was a dark and sunny Friday. As I walked along the purple side walk I realized that penguins were throwing carrots at me so the polar bears would bite my hip bones. As I tried to avoid the polar bears President Obama came up to me and asked me to take a pic with him. I certainly did. I continues walking on the purple sidewalk and I noticed that my bacon shirt was untied. I asked a walking hot dog to tie it for me and he did. I continued walking till I got to my potato house. I walked in and all my best buddies were there. Tom, Georgia, Tyler, Jason, Adam, Ty, Batman, Johnny Depp, Tom Cruise,Finn Jake and my boyfriend Toby.

We were all wearing green stripes on our hair and we all looked fucking fabulous!

I wasn't sure if I should feed them my shirts made out if bacon or my pants made out of cookies, so I did both and got another pair. We all just played minecraft and watched PEWDIEPIE on YouTube. The fish I had just made them selves some tea and they wanted to share it with all of us. We were all very exited for the tea that we all just singed out rainbows out of our noses.

It's way too normal for us to do that. Ugh...normality >.< after all that it turned tornadoy and bright so it meant it was time for us to dance. We put on some elevator music and fucking wrecked my place. It was the end of our day and Toby made me some bacon after everyone left. ( what a sweet boyfriend)

~~~well guys that is the beginning of my book tell me what you think and I promise I'll try to make it more understandable. See you bubbles later. Baaaiiiiii~~~


~~~Ello bubbles, I decided to let you guys know my odd changing bipolar feelings. I know it isn't as random as my last chapter but you'll get to know me a bit more this way. -Cewkiester.~~~

Could it be?

Have I gone completely mad?

I wasn't sure if I'm crazy or that's just the way I am. I can't help myself when I do stupid things. It's not my fault. I try my best but I can't. I just can't.

Sometimes I.. I just.. Break down. I have no idea why but I just do. I'm pretty sure that's normal but I hate it when it happens.

Sometimes I laugh. I just laugh out of no where. Haha.. I don't know man. I don't even know. But some of those laughing moments are for a reason. I might remember something funny. I might see something funny that no on else sees. Or maybe I just get shy and giggle like an idiot( this happens when I'm with my boyfriend). My great grandma told me its good to laugh.

Sometimes I'm really really mad. I don't even know why but I get a head ace and get pissed at the world. Like right now. I'm mad. I'm sorry but I am.

.......ok I'm better now.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2013 ⏰

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