I thought my life was over

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I ran to our "secret hideout" and bursted through the doors and rushed upstairs into the room with all pictures and posters.

I opened the door and saw tears rolling down frank's face and my eyes started tearing up. I practically fell on him and put my hands to his face.

"I'm so sorry Frank" I gasped and pulled his lips to mine. This was my first passionate kiss, it felt quite amazing. Frank kissed back and ran his hands into my hair and kept sensually stroking it.

I released for air and saw blood stains everywhere.

"No no no no no" I murmured. "This is all my fault," Frank stared into my watery eyes and opened his mouth to speak,but I interupted him. "Frankie please, oh God," I grabbed his arms and kissed a couple of his scars and he moaned quietly in the pain. "Frankie, I'm so sorry I ran away. I do too, I do love you too," Frank started to smile and wiped his tears from his face while I helped him. "I thought you were going to ignore me forvever and I started to hate myself." Frank slowly said those words while choking back on some tears. "I thought I lost you and that I was alone." I hugged Frank hard and he lay his head on my shoulders.

I stood up and grabbed Frank's hands and brought him into the washroom. For some reason the water still worked, weird. I turned the tap on and started to wash the blood from Frank's arms and face while he kept adding a few "ows" every couple of seconds. As soon as I finished, I kissed him on the cheek and held his hands. "I love you Gee" I heard and I lifted my face to his. "I love you too, Frank" and he landed his lips onto my nose.

I was real tired from today. "Hey Frank?"


"Can we go to the park and rest a little?"

"Sure," and he smirked.


When Gee blasted in, I was shocked. Everything happened to quick but slowly at the same time! I love Gerard Way, like I said, he is my everything.

I grabbed his hand and pecked his lips but Gerard kissed back passionalty. "I thought you were tired" I joked. "Hm but I think your lips gave me a bit of adrenaline. Did you put on some redbull Chapstick?" We both laughed and walked out the door of our secret hideout, still holding hands.

Gerard just made my day perfect, I wish I could thank him for it but I don't know how to put in words.

We were walking towards the park until we firmly stopped.

"Are you okay, Gee?" I was confused.

"Did I say park, I meant cemetery. Sorry,"

"Oh, um, it's okay"

Gerard walked in and I followed behind, what was happening?!

Gerard kept walking and walking and then started jogging around the cemetery. "ARE YOU MAD?!" I thought. I Stumbled into Gerard since he stopped running around.

He stood in front of a grave which read "Mikey James Way"

Save The Tears For When I Die { Ferard }Where stories live. Discover now