Wild Side

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February 14, 1984

Nikki and I were doing great. We really loved eachother, and I had a feeling that he wasn't threatened by the feelings I once had for Izzy. They were living in another building now because Gina kicked he and Axl out of her apartment, which I hadn't known was actually hers. So now, I don't talk to Axl as much, and Izzy even less. But we still keep in contact as much as we can.

Since today's Valentine's Day, I had wanted to go out with Nikki, but his band has a gig at the Roxy, so I'm probably gonna try to sneak in to watch him. But I didn't wanna really have to keep myself company the whole time, so I invited Axl to hang out with us since I figured he might not do anything since he and Gina broke up, and he could meet some girls at the bar or something.

Nikki felt bad that he isn't doing anything nice for me, so he decided to buy me a bunch of chocolates, which was pretty cheesy, but I loved em. Chocolate is honestly one of my most favorite things in the world.

"I'm glad you like them, babe." He said then gave me a quick kiss as he went to go change. "I've gotta go practice with the guys, so if you need anything, just walk over to the Roxy! It shouldn't be too far." He changed quickly into some leather pants and a cut up white t-shirt then rushed out of the door with his bass.

The gig was gonna be at 7 and it was still only 4, so I still had two hours to kill till' I had to get ready. I decided to watch some T.V. and eat the chocolates that he gave me.

I flipped through the channels while I bit into a dark chocolate truffle, savoring every bite. I finally found a channel playing Star Trek reruns, so I decided to watch it. I wasn't the biggest Star Trek fan, but it was the only show I had been familiar with. And I was more of a Star Wars fan anyway.

I finished a little over half of the box and the channel started playing a different show I wasn't familiar with, so I checked the time. It was already 6:37, so I quickly turned off the T.V. and went to go freshen up. After that, I went to look for something that seemed nice to wear tonight. I scrimmaged through all of my band tees and found a black cropped tank top that I could wear with a denim jacket. I then put on some acid washed skinny jeans then laced up simple black combat boots that I had gotten recently.

I didn't really put much effort into my makeup and went with just some brown lipstick. I brushed my hair and just left it as it is because it was 6:50 and time to leave already. I left the building and rushed over to the Roxy so I wouldn't miss anything. The bouncer hopefully didn't notice that my ID was fake as hell, so I got in pretty quickly. I was there just in time for Nikki's band to come out and start playing. They started off with "Too Fast For Love", the first song that I've ever heard them play for me. The energy there was really high and many of the people there had heard them, so the crowd sang along. I sang along as well because I was so caught up in the music. I then felt someone tap on my shoulder and turned around to see that it had been Axl.

"Hey, bro!" I said with a hug because I haven't actually seen him in a while.

"Hey, sis. So this is your boyfriend's band?" He asked and I nodded happily. "They're pretty good." He affirmed.

"Thanks! You should show me your band playing one day though!" I suggested while a nudged him a bit. He laughed a bit while he softly slapped my elbow away.

"Well, maybe sometime. It's not really going too well though." He said disappointedly.

"It'll work out, Axl. I know you. You'll keep trying." I replied, trying to give him words of encouragement. He agreed with me then told me that he'd go get a drink and be back in a few.

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