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I'm not sure how long I was knocked out. All I knew was that the moment I opened my eyes; it was no longer night time. For a split moment I thought all the previous occurrences had been a figment of my distant memories and that I had dreamt all of what happened the night before.

But when I realized that I was laying down in a bunch of dirt and surrounded by forestry; massive trees, birds chirping, I knew that it mustn't have been a dream.

It was a deep green pine forest, forest floor covered in dry brown needles, dirt and fallen leaves. To the right of me, there was a lake of brackish water, reflection of the tall pines and oak trees on the lakes' surface, fallen tree rotting in the lake now was used as a hiding place for fish, there were lily pads, flowers basking in the sunlight, and a mask of dragonflies buzzing around.

As if on cue, waiting for me to realize that this wasn't a dream, and this was, in fact, reality, a huge pain erupted in the back of my neck, causing me to scream in pain.

Searing fiery bursts pulsated around the wound, intensifying with each dragging breath I took, jarring and brutal. It was as if the wound had been torn open and had been torn at multiple times.

Suddenly, as I was hit by a wave of remembrance, all of last nights occurrences flooding through my mind, sort of like a little movie, the pounding pain in the back of my neck becoming more intense as the minutes went by.

I tried to prop myself up to my two feet, in an attempt to find my way back to Lydia's house.

I started walking, but with each step the pain amplified, the bloody muscle behind my neck quivered, and my consciousness ebbed. What had bit me? It must've been a bear, a wolf, or a fox or something.

Part of me wishes that Lydia would come to find me, while the other part of me wishes she didn't so she wouldn't yell at me for being right, and her saying we shouldn't have gone in the forest. The last thing I wanted to hear was Lydia boast about how I shouldn't have ignored her. Plus, I hated to be wrong.

I painfully took each step, walking slowly as if I was limping, trying to find a way out of this forest; when something tapped my shoulder. I instantly became more panicked as to who it possibly could have been.

Instead of turning around to see who it was, or what it was, I just took my elbow and hit the from behind. I heard the person exhale loudly and fall to the ground. I turned around to see who it was.

It must've been a boy no older than me. He had pale skin, brown hair, and was wearing a Beacon Hills
football jersey, which I knew was Lydia's high school. I didn't go there, I did online school; since I had come to this town later than the accepted sign up time to actually apply to a school. So while she was having fun seeing actual people, my only teacher was this man online.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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