Defeating E.N.D

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Natsu POV.
As I ganged my surrounding I knew where I was. It was the town I was born in well used to be town back four hundred years ago. The town brought me so many memories some good most bad. Although I knew why I was in this old town again I looked around and yell "come on out I know your there!"

Happy's POV.
I woke up with the room feeling like one hundred degrees I knew natsu must have been dreaming about Lucy again "aye natsu your heating up the room again" I yelled, as I got out of bed and walked over to natsu but as soon as I touched natsu my hand burned. I was shocked that natsu was having a fever and I didn't know what to do. Then a idea popped in my head Lucy could help natsu. Flying to Lucy house

Lucy POV.
I was looking out the window thing what I should do today when what happened yesterday night with natsu popped in my head. I shook my head to forget the thought *why am I so worried about natsu* I thought, when I heard I certain fly cat yell "luceee I need your help with natsu!" "What's going on with natsu? I question. "No time to explain just follow me" happy says and fly's out of the guild with me following behind.

Natsu POV.
"So you finally decided to show yourself" looking at a shadow figure
"Seem you remember now about your past little one" says the figure. "Stop acting like your the one in power" I say with anger. "Although you seem to to have grown soft over the year maybe I should take care of the person who made you soft" says the figure with with a evil smile. With those words my blood started to boil "if you lay one finger on her I will destroy you E.N.D! I yelled with my left arm glowing black "s-sorry master I shouldn't have said that" E.N.D says with fear in his eyes.

Sorry for not updating the new part been pretty busy

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