First Kiss - Creek Oneshot

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Little A/N: Hello! This is my first ever fanfiction, so sorry if it's terrible lmao. Hope you enjoy it and I'd love feedback!

Safe for work! Enjoy!


When Tweek and Craig got together just for the town's sake, they never expected to actually like each other. But after days, no, weeks of being "together" they found to like the other's company. Maybe a little too much to call each other friends. Tweek remembered the day Craig confessed his feelings for him as if it were still yesterday...


"Hey, Tweek?" Craig asked. Craig had just arrived at Tweek's house. He seemed a little uneasy, an emotion Craig usually never felt. He was and always had been a confident, calm and collected boy. Tweek could hear his unsettling voice shake when he spoke. Kind of like how his voice was when he was twitching too hard, or had much more coffee than usual.

"Hey Craig. What's up?" Tweek asked. "Do you wanna play Red Racer? I got the game just for you." He smiled at Craig, holding up the game in its case. The ravenette swallowed a lump in his throat.

"N-no thanks... Can we just uh... Talk for a moment?" Craig asked. He may seem left brain dominant, but right now he was letting his inner dorky side show. He was a nervous mess and it was cute to Tweek to see he wasn't the nervous wreck for a change.

"Yeah, sure dude. What do you wanna talk about?" Tweek asked his best friend. Craig swallowed another lump in his throat. He was sitting on Tweek's bed, but dared not to look up from the mattress. His face was red and he could feel it become warmer each second Tweek stared at him.

"I wanna..." Craig started, but trailed off. He took a deep breath, and looked Tweek in the eyes. "I wanna talk about you and me."

Tweek's heart instantly started to beat faster. What could he mean by that? There were millions of thoughts that came to Tweek's mind, each one more ridiculous than the last. "GAH! W-what about us?" He asked nervously, slightly embarrassed.

"Look, Tweek...This may seem kinda weird, and I know you probably aren't even gonna talk to me after I say this, but I think... I think I like like you." Craig said, furiously blushing.

Tweek blinked a few times, trying desperately to think of something to say but he just couldn't. Why was it so hard to form words? He just sat there, probably making a fool out of himself. He wanted to say he returned the feelings. He really did, but he just couldn't verbally say anything. What would even be the risk? Tweek knew Craig couldn't be acting. When they were staging their fake breakup, Craig was TERRIBLE at acting! Even if he was, what kind of best friend would confess their fake love to their other friend?

Craig just sat there for a minute before standing up to leave. "I understand if you don't wanna be friends anymore. I'll just leave." He turned around to leave, but Tweek's voice stopped him.

"No, Craig! I don't want you to leave." Tweek said. Craig turned around to meet the gaze of Tweek's emerald green eyes.

"S-so you still wanna be friends?" Craig asked. He couldn't hide the happiness in his voice. Tweek took a chance, thinking of the words Craig once told him:

"You can do it, Tweek! You're capable of more than you think."

The coffee addict grabbed Craig's hand, lacing his fingers with the other boy. "I don't wanna be friends, Craig. Because... Well I like like you, too..." he said.

Craig broke into a smile and laughed. He hugged Tweek, and for the rest of the day, they played Red Racer AND watched it. And afterwards, at night, they snuck out and went to Stark's Pond and looked at the stars.

~Flashback Over~

All of that lead up to this very moment where it was finally going to happen. Tweek and Craig were about to have their first kiss with each other. It has to have been a few weeks or so since they officially got together, and they are both ready.

The only problem is, Tweek is having some major self-doubt.

Well, what was Craig going to expect with having a boyfriend with major anxiety? He in no way wanted to pressure Tweek into kissing him when he wasn't ready, but Tweek told him numerous times that he was ready. He's just anxious.

Craig rubbed circles on Tweek's back, as it was something that always calmed the blonde haired boy. "W-what if I mess up?" Tweek asked.

Craig chuckled softly to himself. "Tweek, I'm no expert at this, either. This is my first time too, remember?" He said. Craig used a soothing, soft voice.

Tweek looked at the bed and back at Craig. Their faces were inches away from each other. Tweek saw the sparkle in his boyfriend's eyes, and he knew he was ready. He liked Craig a lot. More than any girl he's ever had a crush on.

"O-okay..." Tweek mumbled softly.

"Are you ready?" Craig asked.

Tweek shook his head yes. He could do this. He inhaled, then exhaled, and leaned in a little closer to Craig.

Craig flashed a small, but bright smile at him. He softly placed his hand on Tweek's face. Tweek slowly closed his eyes, Craig looking at him in awe. He closed his eyes slowly. Suddenly, their lips met and it was a comforting warmth that the two never wanted to end. After a few seconds, they both pull back, their faces as red as roses.

Craig just looked at Tweek. He never found him more attractive in his life. Tweek had a shy but happy smile on his face. The two boys looked away from each other for a minute, trying to act like they weren't blushing as much as they were. Craig pulled down a flap from his chullo, trying to hide the dorky smile on his face while Tweek laughed to himself because he did it. He actually kissed Craig and didn't die! Or mess up!

Afterwards, the two cuddled for a little while before it got dark. The two snuck out once again to Stark's Pond to look at the stars. But neither of them wanted to look at the stars because they weren't as beautiful as one another. The only stars needed for them was the stars in each others eyes. And even though the night was cold, they still had a comforting warmth.

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