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A/N:it's 7:00am💀 I'm running on 2 hours of sleep
Andrew POV
Me and Vanna had to get up early to make it to the airport in time so Vanna showered first then me then we got dressed and Vanna had on her thin dark grey sweatshirt with skinny jeans a choker and I put on a black shirt my grey sweats and once we were ready we went and got the twins dressed and we got all our bags and put them in the car and put the twins in their car seats and headed towards the airport.
Once we arrived we got out we got the twins and our bags and walked inside and signed in (I've never been to an airport so this stuff might be wrong) and put our bags away and sat with Derek,Kristin and Nick and Taco Bell waiting for our flight to be called "You excited?" Nick asked and I nodded our flight was soon called and we boarded the plane and I was next to Vanna and Derek then Nick sat with Taco Bell and Kristin and we then soon started flying to Orlando (idk) and soon Derek was knocked out and so were the twins "You okay?" I asked Vanna knowing she was afraid of heights "Uhh yeah I'm fine" she answered.
2 hours later
We landed in Orlando and Vanna looked so relived we then got our bags and met up with the others "That was terrible" Nick said "Why" we all asked "Because I tried to have a conversation with this Asian guy but he just kept reading his paper" he said and we all laughed "Well it sucked more for me because I was terrified" Vanna said and I just pulled her into my side kissing her head "Well let's head to the hotel" I said and everyone nodded then I called Me and Vanna a uber and I was in the back with the twins while Vanna sat up front we then soon arrived and I payed and we went to our room to get some rest. Once we entered the room we got the twins unfolding crib thingy so they could take a nap and me and Vanna got in the bed and layed down taking a breath "This feels great" Vanna said and I nodded playing with her hair we then fell asleep.
I woke up to my phone buzzing and it was Derek
From Derek:Wanna get something to eat?
I thought for a moment.
To Derek:Sure where?
From Derek:Subway
To Derek:Okay see you there
I then got up and brushed my teeth and fixed my hair and soon Mikey woke up so I fed him then put him back to sleep and left a note for Vanna leaving..
A/N:Omg the maintenance guy saw me half naked😳💀🙈

My boyfriend Andrew FontenotWhere stories live. Discover now