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I was chained to the wall, my shirt was shreds now, my jeans were torn and soaked in blood and water. I was scared, for the first time in a while, I truly believed I was going to die.

"Hello." He whispered and a small whimper escaped me. He circled me as if i was a fine piece of art, his gloved hands ran along my beaten and exhausted form, "What shall we do?" He mused, his lips pressed against my ear, "Oh. I know."

My scream echoed throughout the soundproof basement as a heated knife sliced my leg. I heard a giggled, that same twisted laugh as the girl, Adeline, watched. I screamed again as her fiance, Jason, put his cigarette out on my back. I know by now I had a row of them decorating my spine.
"Hey, Addy. Why don't you get started on supper, alright?" I wanted to beg, but I knew it would do no good.

"Have fun." She teased and left me alone for him to 'play' with.

~~~~~Spencer's POV~~~~~

I wanted to cry, scream and lash out all at once. It's been 19 hours since she left and we have come to one agreement hours ago. She was taken and we are now on a clock.

We've re-canvassed Alistair's home, and found her blood. At that point I had to step away in order not to get sick. But all I can see now, is Alexandra's dead body. And I wanted to cry.
"Spencer. We need you on this. Alexandra needs you." JJ said softly, "We'll get her back and the people who hurt her, they'll pay." She hugged me tightly, rubbing my back.

We were informed that Christen Don and Cristina Don were all the other had and that Cristina had fallen of the radar after being raped and assaulted. The person who did that was never caught.

"Guys, we got an address and a warrant." Hotch announced, I quickly pulled away from JJ and got my things. We loaded up, me riding with Morgan as we drove across town and our to a farm.
"Spencer, Morgan and JJ, take the barn." Hotch ordered and we sprinted to the barn. Derek kicked in the door and we stormed in only to find  it empty of people, but pictures were hanging up and a recording playing.

They were the pictures of the victims. Samantha, Samuel, Luna and Alister, the recording was of Someone being tortured.
"Hey, guys. Got a boxes jewelry and here. Pretty high end stuff." Morgan announced.
"Takes pictures, recordings and jewelry. We're dealing with three people."  I walked over to the box and saw one that was marked 'Red Haired Bitch', "Alex." I whispered as I opened the box. Two pair dog tags, hers and her brother's, a triple moon necklace, two rings and her bracelets.

"Pack all this up." I said putting the lid back on. We bagged and tagged everything. Loading it up as Christian Don was forced into a cruiser. I got in the SUV and we left the property.

We came back to the police station and put Christian Don in the interrogation room. I looked at Hotch, "Please." I said knowing he would know what i wanted.
"Can you remain objective?" He questioned.
"Of course." I assured him.
"One slip up. That's all it takes and i will pull you from this case."  We walked in and sat at the table, i lean against the wall, "Christian Don. Been on the force for five years, you had a sister right? Cristina? Where is she?" Hotch questioned.

"I don't know where she is." he never met our eyes, either he was lying or we intimidated. But from the way he was sitting, the intimidation wasn't likely. I watched his movements, he fidgeted with his watch.
"But your her twin brother, why wouldn't she tell you." I questioned him watching him closely.
"She's angry with me." He muttered, shifting in his seat, "Why, what happened to her?".
"She might be in trouble, she might be involved with the murder of four people." Hotch answered pulling out the photos of the victims, "And the kidnapping of another." He laid out the photo of Alexandra.
"No, no. Crissy wouldn't do that." He said shaking his head, "Crissy...Crissy was a victim. No one could find the guy who hurt her and the moment i brought it up again, they told me she was lying!" He was getting riled up.

"Mr. Don, we've got enough evidence to put you away for these, the jewelry, the pictures, and the recordings." Hotch said standing.

Christian, they set you up. They left the trophies there to make you look guilty. She dosen't care if you get arrested." I said, "You only helped her because she's your sister, because you couldn't save her. Do one thing right and save this woman. Tell me do you know where she is?" 

"She went home. And if she took her. She's dead already." He said, giving in, "You'll find her like the rest. Maybe worse if she fights." Hotch called Garcia to find an address fast.

~~~~~Alexandra's POV~~~~~

I felt the ropes come undone and i felt to the ground, it was so cold and it felt like bliss on my marred and sore skin. I watched as Adeline walked over, "You broke." She whispered as she brushed my matted messy hair from my face, "Tell me, what do you do when you have broken toys that cant be fixed."

"Burn in hell." I spat at her.
"Burn. I like that idea. Lets go with that." She said grinning, "Jason, go grab some gas baby. Lets watch this witch burn."

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