02: Mysterious Duellist and Did he Just...! Stardust Dragon Stolen!!

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New Domino City! Yusei Dream

Emergency Alert! Emergency Alert! A computerised voice warned, red lights flashing. Evacuate immediately!

People that were wearing scientist clothes were running away to the exit.

One man carried a small baby to a capsule pod, placing him in it. After placing him in it and buckling the seatbelt the man pulled a lever.

The man stared at the baby for a while, the baby that is crying was inside locked in a pod as they pod closed, a man was standing next to it watching as the pod left the building and the places explode

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The man stared at the baby for a while, the baby that is crying was inside locked in a pod as they pod closed, a man was standing next to it watching as the pod left the building and the places explode.

The earth cracked in half with people screaming harsh winds building collapsing and falling on peoples, peoples falling into the earth's cracks yelling when they fell, a light struck down Neo Domino and wiping the city and everyone along with it.

End of Yusei Dream! Garage!

A teen about 17 with black hair some pointed up while the rest pointed down, two of the pointed upward hair had yellowish gold highlights, he had sapphire eyes that was wide awake from his dream

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A teen about 17 with black hair some pointed up while the rest pointed down, two of the pointed upward hair had yellowish gold highlights, he had sapphire eyes that was wide awake from his dream.

Over Looking New Domino!

Yusei Fudo was looking over Neo Domino City, Japan with a saddened expression on his face.

"Yusei?" Crow called, "You had that bad dream again, huh?"

"If only it was just a dream." Yusei answered.

"But it was so long ago and New Domino City has rebuilt itself since your Father's research was compromised." Crow told him.

" Crow told him

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