The magnificent tale of Cassidy Amber Reel

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-<3 Ava

And without further a due,

Chapter 1.) the magnificent day that wasn't so magnificent after all


"Ladies and gentleman, be sure to welcome your new classmate, Jasper Black. Jasper, welcome to class, pick an empty seat wherever you like,"

I heard distantly. My doodle was demanding my full concentration and I didn't really hear what Mr. Smith was talking about, let alone actually acknowledge the "new student" that walked into our classroom.

"That's good," my entire being froze as the unknown breath broke across my skin. It was raspy and sounded of only mild interest. It took me a moment to regain my voice and let out a small, polite ; "Um, thank you,"

"Think you could move your things so I can sit down?"

"Umm..." I looked over and saw my purse in the spot where he was speaking of. "Sure..." I whispered I reached over, collected it, and tucked it in my lap. He sat down next to me.

He was ... Umm... In a word, scary. I hadn't dared to look at his face, but he wore black jeans, and a gray long sleeve shirt that was pushed up to his elbows. There was a tattoo on his for arm of a skull, and it automatically gave him a serious bad ass impression.

Unfortunately, I'm terrified of bad boys.

I couldn't help but also notice there were big scabs on each of his knuckles. He had a tattoo on the palm of his right hand, but I Couldn't tell what it said. My eyes slowly traveled up his arm, which was obviously very toned, to peek a glance at his face.

When I looked up though, my eyes met his. I had to bite my lip and keep myself from yelping. I automatically looked back down to my notebook, but he didn't. He continued to stare at the side of my face for quite some time. Almost all class. Finally, something Mr. Smith said struck his attention and he reluctantly looked away from me. I heaved a heavy sigh of relief.

That was before I heard what Mr. Smith had to say.

"You and the person beside you will turn in this paper together on Monday. The assignment is on each other. You will come up with a series of questions, non personal ones, of course, to ask your partner and then write a summary about them. Try to steer clear of anything that can be questioned as inappropriate for school. They're due next class, which will be Monday, for those of you that didn't know. Please begin your project,"

And with that, the class erupted into mindless chatter, completely unrelated to the assignment at hand. I didn't say a word.

Ohmyohmyohmyohmy. My partner was an extremely tall, extremely muscly, extremely scary guy with extremely scary tattoos, extremely sketchy scrapes on his knuckles, and an extremely extreme staring problem.

Oh. Lord.

"So Cassie,"

Ermergerd. "Umm... Yeah?" I asked, not looking at him. His voice was insanely mischievous and dripping with venom, compare to my weak, feeble voice that you could hardly hear it above the noisy classmates around us.

His voice sounded as if it was right in my ear, although he was sitting straight up and his face was no where hear my ear. "Do I scare you?"

Then the bell rang, releasing us from class. Releasing me from Jasper's stare, because within moments he was out of the room, before everyone was even out of their seat yet.

At that moment, I didn't even care about my project that needed to be completed.

I got out of my seat and walked slowly to my locker, my thoughts jumbled, leaving me speechless.

What was with him? Who does he think he is? Questions and accusations towards him pummeled my brain into a pulp.

Then, here's the scariest one: how did he know my name?

"Yes," I said loud, even though the newbie was no where in sight. "Yes, Jasper Black, you scare me,"






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