That Was NOT Supposed To Happen!

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I searched for Damon for a good twenty minutes. Eventually, I just gave up. I mean, the Lockwood mansion was HUGE. It'd take forever to find one person in it, especially with a psychotic vampire running around and pretending that she was Elena.

I stood inside the mansion, scanning the crowd for Damon. Everyone was in masks, and it made my job even harder.

I sighed, deciding to take a break. I turned around to the snack table, which had everything from full meals to desserts. I saw a plate of strawberries placed right next to a plate of cherries, and I shuddered, the cherries reminding me of Katherine. I decided to take the strawberries instead, picking one up and biting into it as the fresh goodness exploded onto my tongue.

Third Person's POV

Damon Salvatore sighed exasperatedly, pushing through the masked crowd in the Lockwood mansion. A few of the people sent him angry looks, but it wasn't like he cared. To him, they were only in the way. 

Searching for Paige had proven to be a difficult task, and the vampire was growing more and more frustrated with each step he took.

His eyes scanned the area once more, and finally, they landed on a girl. She was around Elena's age with jet black hair running a bit above her elbows. He paused when he saw that she was wearing a gold dress.

Paige, he thought instantly.

The oldest Salvatore brother walked over to the girl, elbowing masked party-goers along the way. He finally reached her, deciding that now would be the perfect time to have some fun. He was supposed to protect Paige... But who said he couldn't do both?

"Excuse me," Damon began, turning up his charm level to the max, "I don't know why, but I've got this odd feeling that I've seen you somewhere. And I hardly ever forget girls as gorgeous as you."

Paige blushed instantly, a smile easing its way onto her cherry red lips. "Oh, did you now? Funny, I feel the same. Something about you is oddly familiar," She noted with a bat of her lashes. And she was telling the truth. There was something about those bright blue eyes that she knew, she just couldn't place her finger on it.

"What a coincidence," he said, "How about we dance and find out if we recognize each other, then?"

The raven-haired girl thought for a few seconds, a finger tapping her chin. Taking a little break wouldn't hurt anyone, right? Damon couldn't get too far. And this boy was just so irresistable...

"It's a deal," She agreed, finishing the strawberry that was the same bloody red color of her puckered, full lips. He held out his arm to her, and she gladly took it, placing the remainder of the fruit on the plate and letting him lead her to the dance floor.

He placed a hand on her waist, holding her own hand with his free hand as she placed her right hand on his shoulder. They danced together in perfect sync, Damon twirling her and making her blush and her heart race every few seconds.

"Have you recognized me yet?" He whispered, his mouth tickling the side of her ear.

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