Chapter 3 - Then there was light

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It's kind of fun to do the impossible.
- Walt Disney

It was a quarter to midnight. Under a starry sky, in the outskirts of France was a Castle. A castle that looked like any other castle to onlookers.

But the castle has not been normal for more than forty decades now. It served a purpose of such importance that the future of the world was literally decided based on what happened there in the last forty six years.

In the backyard of that prominent castle, was a huge arena, magically expanded, seating more than 36000 people of all nationalities. In one part of the arena sat students of Beauxbatons, Castelobruxo, Durmstrang, Hogwarts, Ilvermorny, Koldovstoretz, Mahoutokoro, Uagadou, and some other minor institutions from other nations. There were about 3500 of them. All these people had one thing in common. They were all muggleborn. Some of them had one magical parents who were muggleborn in turn. They all sat and didn't speak to each other. Their eyes were fixed on the center of the arena.

In the center of the arena was a  circular glass dias encrusted with rubies along the edge. In the air above the dias, a golden clock hung suspended in the sky. The clock was almost at 12. The gathered watched with feverish excitement as the clock's hands ticked through time.

Finally the clock struck 12 and  blinding golden light erupted from the watch and hit the golden dias. As the light dimmed enough for human eyes, a girl with sleek honey brown hair, chocolate eyes and perfect teeth stood glowing in the golden light. She gave them a smile that spoke of hope, peace and love for her people.

The crowd of people stood as one and intoned in a chorus " Long live! Princess Hermione "

"Queen Hermione you mean!" the girl said in a light tone.

A chuckle ran through the crowd at this and an American Wizard stepped into the Arena with the Queen of the United Kingdom.

"In a hurry, are we?" asked the queen with a chuckle.

"Grandma" bowed Hermione.

"Your majesty" bowed the rest of the people.

Soon, the Queen joined her grand daughter in the dias. "Be seated, my people" she said to the gathered people. The crowd sat down on the edge of their seats and waited with excitement.

The queen started speaking in a clear voice that carried through the crowd, "Some of us have been waiting for this moment for forty six years now. Today marks the beginning of a new era. This day will go down in history as the day the world righted itself. And it will do so through my great grand daughter. You all know what we desire. What we are working towards. And we won't stop unless we've reached that.

"All these years we've waited for this moment, our people are everywhere now, in the government, in their businesses, in their educational institutions. Our eyes see everything, our ears hear everything. OUR TIME HAS COME. THE NEW WORLD ORDER IS HERE.

The crowd roared their happiness at these words and the American wizard held out a platter to the Queen, upon which lay a glass crown encrusted again with rubies. The Queen held it high for all the people to see and set it upon Hermione's head. It glowed upon contact and the rubies  shined like the stars.

"I give you Hermione Lisa Evaline Black-Winsdor, the first of her name, the first Royally Magical Queen of all the realms, be it magical or not.
All hail your royal highness.

At this the crowd roared in an ear-splitting chorus, " Long live queen Hermione"

Hermione gave everyone a radiant smile and said in a joyous tone "Well, that's that then. Let's get down to business, shall we?"

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