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The strenght of my love for you.

Even after all this time, you amaze me. Damon came to see you today. He's a baby, he doesn't know what's happening. But you held him, you kissed his forehead. You told him you loved him. When he left, you told me you were afraid that was the last time you would see him. It was the first time that I saw your hope wavering.

I didn't tell you that I was expecting another baby. It would have broken your heart too much.

It made me realise the intensity of my love for you. Because if I could, I would happily switch with you. I would suffer a fate worse than death just so you wouldn't have to go true this. You have no idea how much I wish it was me, instead of you. No idea.

69 Reasons I Love You #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now