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𝚝 𝚠 𝚘

i guess you could say i like the attention,
i like making the cheerleaders jealous by wearing skirts so their boyfriends would
expect another flash in the hallway, there
has been one everyday since monday. i
wasn't complaining, in fact - i  love the attention, but jimin on the other hand,
not so much.

i laugh, reaching up to peck his cheek as
he glares at his two friends who chat obliviously. "baby, calm." i giggle,
dragging my hand down his tight chest.

"i am fucking calm." he snaps, making
me giggle a little more. "i'm as calm as a fucking clam."

"what?" i laugh.

"it's a saying." he shakes his head before focusing on glaring daggers again.

"it's as calm as a cat, or something." i correct, resting my head on his shoulder as jiyeon walks towards us.

"i don't pay a fuck in english." he replies grumpily before crossing his arms and
leaning against the locker; annoyed that neither jungkook or namjoon had noticed
his daggers.

the bell rings, interrupting us.

"okay, i gotta go but i'll meet you by
your car after school?" i question,
reaching up to kiss jimin's lips.

"ew, cut it out." jiyeon grimaces
before winking at namjoon. "you
know what, i don't wanna be late,
ri i'll text you later." she rushes
before walking away with namjoon.

"yo, hyori, we got art next." jungkook
calls, hanging his arm around my sh-

"get the fuck off bro." jimin snaps.

i roll my eyes as jungkook lifts his
hands in surrender. "chill jimin, i
ain't gonna touch your girl like that."

"but you'll fucking lift her skirt up."
he scoffs and kisses his teeth before
storming off.

i roll my eyes again, jungkook's arm
return to it's previous spot. "he's just
mad because he knows you're entitled
to cheat six times." jungkook chuck-
les guiding us to our art class.

"i'm not entitled to cheat, i'm not
gonna get even or revenge." i scoff,
shaking my head. "that's just a child-
ish game and i'm not prepared to play."

"well, i hate to cause another
argument, but i know a dirty little
secret of his which will make you
change your mind and blow
everything he has with you." he
whispers, leaning down to my ear.

"fuck off jungkook, i don't want to
hear it, things are going good so far."
i snap, pushing him away from me.

"oh but i know you do baby girl and
it's only been four days, this must be
the calm before the storm." he laughs.

he's right, i do want to know but i've
just got jimin back, i don't want to be
the one to ruin it this time.

"just leave it jungkook, i don't care."
i sigh, running my fingers through
my hair.

"hyori...you're breaking my heart."
he drawls teasingly, walking slowly
behind me.

"what?" i snap angrily, turning on my
heels, pissed with him already.

quicker than i can move, he stretches
his arm to grab the back of my skirt
and lift it. i squeal, pushing it back
down as fast as my instinct can. "ju-
ngkook you fucker!" i yell as yet again,
guys wolf whistle and congratulate the
little fuckboy.

i lunge for him, but he gets a head start
and begins running through the hallways,
i follow closely, yelling in anger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2019 ⏰

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