The Crush

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Is that what we are? I thought us friends. What about you? Do you consider us friends? I know we've practically hated each other these past couple years but I believe we've put our differences aside and have gotten to know each other. These past few months we haven't argued much and have sort of become friends. I wish we had more time to get to know each other. I'll miss talking to you next year. Have fun at your new school. Stay smart and stay in band. Good luck. Goodbye my friend. See you around sometime.

Okay I know its short but what I've said here will already tell at least 2 of my followers/friends who I'm talking about. By the way you are not allowed to comment his name, people that know who he is. I may add more later. Stay tuned for more updates. I've got more ideas in my head just waiting to get written down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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