Chapter one:

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     Feather awoke when she couldn't feel the warmth of her littermates or her mother. She saw her assumption was right, they were gone and she found herself in a different housefolk nest then the one she shared with her family. When a housefolk noticed she was awake, it came to her. Feather could tell it was a male housefolk kit. His hand found the back of her head and he scratched behind her ears, she started purring as he pet her.


  Feather wandered around her new nest. She had nothing to do, she had found her food, water and housefolk had left for whatever reason. She leapt onto the kitchen counter and felt the wind ruffle her fluffy fur. Outside the nest Feather saw a perfect yard,  it consists of a small pond with fish, soft barked trees, long grasses and bushes, and a few flat rocks in the sun. After admiring her yard she looked beyond and saw the most magnificent forest. It had beautiful wild grasses and plants. Feather, being adventurous, leaped out the window, landing on soft green grass.

How do you like it so far? I'm on a plane and got board. Please let me know if I made a spelling mistake or anything else. I also might consider making a character contest ( what's it called?), I will make forms and you can fill the out in the comments. I will choose maybe 1 to ten, maybe more or less. I will also make a cover when I get wifi. Bye! - jay

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