The Plot

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You frantically ran your hands through your h/c hair in a rush attempt to tame stray flyaways. You growled in frustration, the elevator climbing higher and higher, almost at the top floor. The walls were mirrored and several yous stared at yourself, all with identical frumpiness. You were screaming on the inside. 'Why me?' You silently pleaded hearing a resounding ding. The doors swooshed open and you felt so exposed. There was nowhere to hide now. You smiled, trying to reassure yourself that you looked great and you were being overly critical of yourself and strolled on to meet your fate.

"Ah, there you are." Said a voice, you turned your head to find yourself face with none other than Tony Stark. 'No going back,' you thought to yourself. Hopefully first impressions weren't that burning. You smiled. "Hello, sir! I'm--" "Pleased to make your acquaintance too." He said with a smirk. You were too stunned at being interrupted to say anything  else and he began walking at a brisk pace. "C'mon. We gotta get you all set up." He said. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes and followed him, having to speed walk to keep up with the man. A glass door slid open and he grinned at you as you stepped in after him. "She's here!" He announced loudly, his voice bouncing around the modernized looking room. It was huge, and your breath hitched as you saw the windows. They wrapped around the entire room, and the view was absolutely breathtaking. Tony noticed and chuckled at you, bringing you back to reality. You turned your attention back to the slightly infuriating man and noticed two others standing at his side. It took all your will power not to gasp. "Hello, there." Wanda spoke warmly, giving you a kind smile. You smiled back, how could you not, and the man beside her reached his arm out to grasp your hand. "Steve Rogers." He introduced himself, but of course that was completely unnecessary. You knew exactly who the hell he was, and you felt your hand go limp in his. You heard a soft snort behind you, Tony of course. You still were having trouble processing all this. The fact that you were standing in a room with the avengers wasn't an easy one to sink in. It was like being told Michael Jackson died, didn't quite sink in until 2011. "Well, y/n, we appreciate having you here." Steve said politely. You thanked him and you all walked further into the living room to where to seating was.

"I suppose we should get down to business, then." Tony said, clapping his hands and setting himself down in the seat across from you and Wanda. You noticed that Steve looked slightly  uncomfortable, a tight smile on his lips. "We read your files  thoroughly," continued Tony, glaring at Steve and stressing the last word. "And, we think you'll do great at this." You nodded. "I'll certainly do my best." You said, wanting to prove yourself. Tony beamed. "We know. Do you know, though? What your job is?" You felt slightly pressured, and you nodded once more. "Yes Mr. Stark. Watch over James Buchanan Barnes, and aid in his recovery." Tony quirked a brow. "And do so without him finding out." Tony nodded, and you felt like you'd just passed your finals. "Good." He said smiling and standing up. "I'll get her pass and everything." Wanda said. She turned to you and smiled. "Thank you, y/n."

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