Part Two

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Mina Eyles stared at Matthew Albright as if he had grown ears and a muzzle. Had she heard him right? He wanted to help her after nearly destroying her career four years ago? The journalist wannabe wanted to make right a wrong that he had committed to propel his career while leaving hers in shreds?

I don't think so! 

"Leave my site at once, Matt Albright! I will resend the email to the skillful artist that it was intended for," she bit out word for word.

Matt shrugged his shoulders and reclaimed his carefree composure. He did an about face and sauntered toward the oversized tent that protected her precious find. "Fine, have it your way, but it took me nearly a month to get here."

He was baiting her. Should would not be caught on his hook.

"If you can wait another month or so for Ms. Albright, then so be it," he threw over his shoulder.

He said it loud enough for all to hear, gaining their full attention. They looked from him to her, their thoughts visible in their questioning gazes. Knowing that time was of the essence and that they needed an artist of his caliber now, she bit into the bait. Hook, line, and sinker. Clever son of a demon!

 When his challenge was not immediately met by a retort from her, he slowed his steps before lazily turning to face her and coming to a complete standstill. They faced off in a silent duel of her glaring eyes versus his comedic inquiring ones. He had won this round and he knew it.

"Dr. Eyles, you must come and see this!" a young woman shouted from the gaping entrance of the large tent. She waved her hand fanatically for her superior to join the team concealed inside.

Matt instantly forgotten, Mina ran to join Aubrey, one of her trench supervisors. Together, the two women joined the group carefully clustered around one of the center grid squares, the one nearest to the skeleton. Picking her way through the grid to where the others stood, Mina made her way to the center of site where her precious skeleton laid to rest. Aubrey let the others know to make a path for their director. Mina stopped just outside to the square where the others were gathered, not wanting to disrupt what it was that had been discovered until being able to assess the situation.

 Eric, another trench supervisor, knelt down within the square and was brushing away at the dirt with a paint brush. The soft, dry bristles cleared away the dark sediment and delicately worked to reveal a surface much paler in comparison. It was another skull!

Mina knelt down close to Eric, but did not cross the suspended twine into his section of the grid. "A second skeleton. See how they are looking at each other. There is more of a story here then we had originally thought."

Eric nodded in agreement. He pointed to the skull in the neighboring square. "I did some work with a forensic anthropologist and am certain that our first friend is a male. See the ridging above his orbital cavities. Also, the skull is much thicker, which is common with male skulls."

Having uncovered numerous human remains, Mina had collaborated with many forensic anthropologists in her career as an archaeologist. She agreed with his assessment, but would need confirm it. They both turned their attentions to their newest find.

"Due to its smaller size, lack of superciliary arch, and sharper orbital cavities, I estimate that our newest friend is a female. We need to get Avery over here so she can do that thing she does." Mina said. Avery was their onsite biological anthropologist. The woman knew bones like Mina knew history, which is why they were the best of friends. They had met in the field years ago, just before her disgrace. It had been Avery that had forced her to not give up and to move forward. Wait until she heard that Matt Albright was here.

Mina stood up and faced the growing crowd. Matt stood at the entrance, his arms crossed and his stance wide. "I need everyone to get to their sections in columns C, D, and E. Rows two through six. Everyone else needs to assist where they can. We have a lot to get done before its time to call it a night."

She put her arm around Aubrey, who was in charge of column A, and said, "I need you to direct Matt to his tent and then go fetch Avery from hers."

Aubrey nodded and made her way out of the shuffling crowd as everyone set about their tasks. She indicated to Matt that he needed to follow her and he did as he was beckoned. As they walked to the grouping of tents at the south end of the site, Aubrey snuck several glances at the tall man beside her.

"What's on your mind, sweetheart?" Matt asked, keeping his eyes forward.

Aubrey ducked he chin down into her chest to hide her blush. "I was only wondering what you did to incur Dr. Eyles's wrath."

Matt sighed. "Remember that hoax in Ethiopia two years ago concerning the artifacts that were discovered by a farmer that turned out to be a Sudan Freedom fighter?"

"Yes, that was the case that almost got Dr. Eyles removed from the archaeology scene all together. Some journalist trying to make a name for himself wrote an article that all but destroyed her career." Aubrey answered, stopping to face him disbelievingly.

Matt faced her, sadness etched in every crevice of his face. "Yes, well, I am that journalist."

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