I'm On a Team With an Idiot, a Angry Duck Butt, and a Fan Girl... Help me...

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Be warned there is a violent flash back within these pages. You don't have to read it. I just recommend it.

Sadly, I don't own Naruto :(.


* Yosino's POV*

(A day before they get their teams)

   I'm so bored!!!!! "Tsukiko * poke* Tsukiko * poke* Tsukiko * poke* Tsukiko," She slammed her book closed and looked over at me, "WHAT?" "Hi," I said grinning. She sighed running her figures through her black hair. "You are so lucky I let my anger out yesterday or I would've broken all of your figures, one... by... one," she said her silver eyes screaming of my death.

   "Who the hell did you beat up?" I asked happy for a break in the silence. She just smiled, "Mizuki". She got up and put her book into the bookshelf that was next to the couch that we're sitting on. Only one question was going through my mind, who the hell is Mizuki. Wait, wasn't he the weird instructer person with silver hair? Oh well...

   Someone was knocking at he door. "Tsukiko, Yoshino are you there?" said someone. "Yoshino I don't feel like having a visitor today, answer the door and scare them away please," Tsukiko said walking to the kitchen for a snack. "Fine fucking lazy sister," I mumbled going to the door.

   I opened the door," What the hell do you want!" "Oh, hello Yoshino. I need you and Tsukiko to go to the Hokage's office with me," said the teacher guy with the scar. I had no reason to remember his fuckin name, so I didn't. I really need to start remembering names.

   "Tsukiko get your ass over here," I yelled. "You don't need to yell Yoshino. I was already behind you." she said calmly. Crap! I didn't even notice she was there! Ha, ha! By the stupid look on his face he didn't notice her either!

   "Good morning Iruka," she said smiling, "What brings you here. I already made sure that we got our ninja profile picture taken." That she has, she made me wake up so damn early... I want to murder her... Before Iruka could answer her I cut in, "You know why the hell he's here! You were behind me the whole time!" He looked shock he probably thought I knew she was there. Lets just let him think that :). "Stop pretending to be cool," she whispered into my ear so only I could hear her.

   "All right Iruka, can you please take us to the Hokage's office," she said with fake cheerfulness in her voice. He looked her over while we were walking through the village, what the fuck is he checking out my little sister... pedophile... I'm going to kill him. "Excuse me but how did you beat Mizuki up so much when you're only a Genin. Also how is there not a scratch on you while he still got past you?" scar guy asked . To them it probably looked like I wasn't paying attention at all yet I was waiting for a response.

   "If you want to know the truth, I let him past me. It was only because I knew that you were too hurt to fight, so Naruto would step up to help you. He was hurt badly enough so Naruto could easily beat him up. In turn letting him prove to you that he was Genin material and so he was able to graduate," she said. Teacher guy you now have faced the true intelligence of my sister :).

* Iruka's POV*

   She... figured that all out... before it happened... WOW... "Also," she continued," It looked like he was about to cry and unlike Yoshino would believe * she shot a glance to Yoshino making her look slightly embarrassed* I do not want to see a grown man cry." Yoshino was listening in on our conversation? I had no idea; it looked like she couldn't care less! No wonder the Hokage wants to speak to them, they're on a different level.

* Yoshino's POV*

   Right as we were about to enter the Hokage's office a kid ran out. "Watch where you're going ass hole," I yelled after him.  “Don’t say that to the honorable grandson!” he shouted at me. Who… the hell... is he? “Leave Ebisu, I need to talk to them,” said the old man. “Yes great third Hokage. I hope you punish them unmercifully. They are probably nothing more than trouble makers,” he said walking out of the office.

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