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The dust settled.

The rubble started to do so.

But as everything around the teen settled, his pounding heart did not. Even if he had safely barricaded himself in his dad's shack. Or rather his deceased dad. What many would think was the worst natural occurrence was over. After these 48 hours of terror, surely the human race would recover, would they?

He started to examine the dents made by varying chunks of debris, which hit the surface of the shack. Not a single hole, which was impressive. The piece of junk proved it's useless as if had bags of dirt and pottles of weed killer. Unfortunately that was all over him, but he didn't care. The many scratches became evident, and he took in deep sigh, staring.

He wasn't ready to face the outer reality.

You see, this was called the worst event in nature for a reason. The first thing that happened was a catastrophic meteor, hitting the uppermost part of Africa. He remembered the horror, viewing the sight from the TV screen. The reporter's voice was a bland and tasteless one, rambling about the ever growing death toll. The breaking news of how yet another earthquake hit above the Richter Scale. The tsunamis hit all over Asia, soon Europe. No one was at the tragedy's mercy. Soon, the rest of a world will fall victim to the fury of nature, no matter the cause.

He remembered shaking terribly. His elder sister would hold his hand, while once in awhile a choked cry will come out of her. It tore his heart. She seldom cried, and she would hug her younger brother close, telling him that she loved him. He would laugh at that point, if the situation wasn't too inappropriate. She always would bicker at him, even at the most useless things. As much as he hated that, he liked it in a sibling way. He would hug the broken sister, telling her the same, reassuring words, knowing the epidemic will hit North America.

'I love you'

And when the tragedy hit, he wasn't the first to react. He had been skateboarding alone, and he didn't feel the trembles. It wasn't until he stopped, to see the people screaming their lungs out, faces paled, then did he notice what was occurring. Sliding his neon headphones from his head, he was reminded of his sister. Afterall, she was the one to give it to him, being it the best gift ever given to him. He dropped everything else he had on hand, that being his skateboard, running out of the park he found comfort in to the now rumbling neighborhood. He would cry out his sister's name, but she didn't respond to no avail. He shook in fear and guilt, as if he was performing a rhythm with that earth breaking shake. Once reaching his home, the reality struck him that he was alone in that street, and the ground rolled. He screamed in utter fear. Yet no one would respond to help, each human hiding in their own places with greed. The only thing he had in mind was to find his sister. But the terrain was no longer safe, and now he started to fear for himself, running into his father's shed. He would rock the metal door, and hide under one of the shelves for cover. Hours would pass, yet. . . he did not dare step out.

And that's where he stayed

He broke out of his trance once a loud smash hit a corner of the shed, many objects falling down. He cried in pain once a large bag of nails hit his right leg, piercing upon impact. He tried standing up, but every movement he made was a pain, hissing along with it. He held on the door handle of the shed to keep still, as he contemplated whether or not he should upon the door, exposing him to the possible danger until he heard a cry outside;


A sob followed after

He recognized that voice and the name as well. His heart started to beat faster, attempting to unlock the door. With a few grunts and clicks , the door burst upon.

Now, he had no time to pause himself, and glance at the scenery. It was like out of a 4 year olds messy demonic doodle, bodies everywhere, as well as chunks of tile shingles and cars. He glanced around, his light brown hair going everywhere, until his bright, ruby red eyes landed on a pink fuzz in the distance. He ran, fast, not missing a single beat. The stinging pain in his leg almost tripped him up, the pain only worsening. Approaching the figure, he couldn't help but scream her name out, sounding hoarse and pained,

"N-natalie!" He called out, shaking. She was his neighbor, and his sister's friend older than him by a year, just like his sister.

Natalie whipped her head towards him, her electric pink and blue hair flying with the wind. Cyan eyes wide, she couldn't help, but address him by his full name, something telling him that this was a dire and serious situation. He couldn't help but nod, swallowing heavily, "T-tyler. . . I'm sorry." She noticeably moved her body away to hide something.

In her arms was. . . quite a sight. Ty had to sit next to Natalie, even the amount of hiding couldn't change who Natalie held close to her. He started to shake, biting his lower lip in fear, "I-is. . . Is that really-" Ty couldn't finish, covering his face. Indeed it was his sister, and he was lucky he could recognize it as his sister. The left side of her face was unrecognizable, but her left side revealed a lifeless, brown eye, strands of her iconic green hair all over the place.

Natalie nodded, finishing his statement for him, "Y-yes. . . it's Tilly,"

Ty's heart sunk.

The one he held so dearly to himself. The only shard of family he could trust, was now only a memory, gone and passed.

And he couldn't help her at all

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