Chapter 1

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Ty had to stop himself from shaking terribly, but it was hard not to. The only thing on his mind was why. Why was she the one to pass away, out of the many people in his neighborhood. She didn't deserve it, and he knew many of his peers were to agree. If they were unlucky to live. In utter disbelief, he placed his two fingers on her bloodied neck, in hopes of a pulse, anything. A sign of life. He didn't care if she were paralized at this point, he needed her alive. Alas, her heart had been stopped long ago, and he wouldn't be able to preform CPR, he could see how terribly injured she was. He glanced over Tilly's limp form, looking at the chunks of metal, near her bottom portion. He quickly scrambled up, but let out a hiss, almost forgetting about the wound caused by the nails. Avoiding eye contact with Natalie, he pushed the metal off of Tilly, freeing her from anything. If he couldn't help her now, he could at least put her body back to rest. She seemed peaceful, and unaware.

Ty was at a loss of words, many thoughts were to rush into his head, many questions. As if the throbbing headache wasn't enough, the lack of food and sleep was really getting to him. But he didn't care about it. He could care less about it.

Ty started to question everything, making up scenarios to reminisce about what could have happened to Tilly.

Was she gardening when the earthquake hit? She always loved to garden, and Ty would make fun of her sometime. He now would regret that, for whatsoever reason. She would pride herself in it, as Tilly put her blood, sweat, tears, and heart in to it. And Ty wouldn't blame her, the garden was always thriving in every season. Even when the flowers wilted in the winter, the crops that were suitable during that time would thrive, colors petruding, bright and young against the cool grey shades. He would sit on the small tree stump they had, and he would stare at the flowers for a long time, as if he was captivated by them with a spell. Tilly would tap the opposing window in front of him, a concerned look on her face, as she would later question why he would stare at them that long. Ty would ignore her seemingly dainty taps, snorting to himself and would stare continuously. After what he would assume Tilly going away, he would stand up, stretching and then looking around his surroundings. Then he would carefully walk around the patches of flowers and plants, not wanting to ruin his sisters precious work. And it would be rare to see Ty walk about so carefully. He's a generally rowdy teen, literally jumping off of roofs and skateboarding in the house. So it was nice for Tilly to watch Ty get back in, in a calm and orderly fashion.

While Ty was lost in his thoughts, Natalie began to weep silently; Ty remembered that he wasn't alone. As that broke him out of his nostalgic trance, he walked up near to where Natalie was, and he hesitently gave her a hug, starting to cry silently. Not only did Tilly mean so much to him, but she also meant a lot for Natalie, as well. They were always seen together, while it was shopping or gardening. Natalie would always think of Tilly a bit more than a friend, of course, she never told her. Instead she decided to confine in Ty, and threatened him if he would tell anyone. He would laugh, and make a pinky promise; as childish as it seemed.

Natalie whimpered a little, glancing everywhere, "E-everyone's. . ." Ty hugged her tighter, knowing how rare it was for her to be emotional to an extent. "My d-dad. . .the fucking bitch," Natalie seemed to continue, Ty raised an eyebrow. He knew how shitty her dad is, and it would be no surprise if he were to do something. "Wh-" Ty spoke silently, his voice cracking, "What did he do. . .?"

She needed a moment, then spoke again, "He. . . if he just let me out, I could have helped Tilly!" She broke out into another fit of sobs.

Ty, almost instinctively, froze in his place, his red eyes going slightly wide, "W-wait. . . Natalie please go on!" He wanted to know. But he also didn't want to know. He wanted to know so he could get a sense of closure; a knowledge of what exactly happened. But he didn't want to know, it would be something that will haunt him. The fact that he failed to help her in time, and that would impact his mental health.

"Son of a bitch, h-he. . . he never let me or anyone in the household out once he heard the reports, then when the storm hit," she had to pause, again.

Ty awaited patiently, "Yes, go on,"

"I heard Tilly. . . screaming. She wasn't screaming for safety, mind you. Rather yours," Natalie had stopped crying, as it started to tire her out instantly. Instead she wiped her eyes, and ran her long pink hair back, "I-i heard it Ty. . . I heard her."

Ty could sense the heavy layers of regret, and he wouldn't blame her. He shared the same ones. "And. . .? Did you help her?" Ty asked, and stupidly too. They both knew the answer very well, and he's wasting time at that point. Bit what's a grieving brother got to do?

"I was, but my dad locked and bolted the door. . . h-he hit me once he found out that I wanted to go out, to at least help Tilly. I-i's all my-"

Ty interrupted her, "Casanova, you did nothing wrong," He'd call her by her last name to calm her down. A little thing he picked up from their small community of friends, "Your. . . your dad is a dick, and there was nothing you can do about it," Ty whispered, using his quiet voice

That calmed her down a bit, "B-but I was a scaredy cat! I could have left, h-he-"

Ty placed a hand on her shoulder, "Please. Natalie." He glanced at Tilly, standing up after a bit, "For now, l-let's; let's put her body to rest, instead of playing the blame game," Stepping close to her, he picked her up bridal style. Tilly wasn't heavy, as she usually was. Natalie followed after Ty, and placed her hand over Tilly's forehead, down to her cheek to close her eyes.

The least they could do was to carry on and live.

It'd be something Tilly would want.

For them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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