My Day With David Tennant The 10th Doctor

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I pick up the phone before I realize I don't know the number. Hello?
"Rose, I'm calling to tell you,you get to spend one day with David Tennant."
This can't be real. It just can't!
"Which David Tennant. The David Tennant from Doctor Who?" I mean there are tons of David Tennants right?
"Yes, David Tennant. The tenth doctor from Doctor Who... Hello?"
I can hardly breathe. Hardly breathe. As everything goes black...

Huh what's going on?
"Rose, are you okay?"
Sweet mother of God. Where is that amazing voice coming from?
"Rose, It's me... David Tennant?"
I've gone to heaven. I'm gone. I'm dead. This isn't happening.
I sit up.
Sweet Jesus. He's on my bed.
"Hey David. Do you wanna go to the movies?"
"No. Let's go to the park. It's more romantic."
Sweet Jesus I might not make it through this day.
We walk down the park trail together hand in hand. My dress all red and ruffled to match my face. His suit perfect as always.
We sit at the bench. That's broken down and rusted. It seemed so ugly to me before, but now it seems so romantic, so perfect.
Funny how one guy can alter your perception like that.
"Rose are you enjoying your day out?"
Can you stay here all day and night?
"Yes, but I just to e..."
I try as David pulls out a wicket basket with ask favorites. Cheese,pizza, chips, guacamole, salsa, tacos, and soda.
This is the best day of my life so far.
"That's sweet David. How did you know those were my favorites?"

"I went back in time to when you were growing up and made notes of what you liked and what you didn't."
He says this as though I was the one he was made to be with.
I melt into a puddle. A puddle of warmth.
I really might not make it.

"Rose, How would you like to see the Tardis?"
"I would love to!"
He grabs my hand and walks me through the door of the police lights blue Tardis. It's even better than the original Mickey Mouse.
He pulls me close to him as he grabs a box.
He gets down on one knee and opens the box.
This isn't happening... It just isn't.
"Rose, I would like you to keep my sonic screwdriver as a memoir of this day."
"But, don't you need it?"
"Don't worry I had copies made so I could lose a little and give a little."
"Ok. That's good. So... Do you want to..."
"Go on the swings, yes!"
We even finish each others sentences. This has to be a dream.
We walked over to the swings hand-in-hand. Totally fun. We swung for what seemed like forever having contests about who could go higher, no highest. Our legs were fast. Pumping fast. Back and forth, back and forth, over and over again. Until eventually we were matched and we couldn't get any higher. This is all I wanted.

Then the phone rang again...
"Rose, sorry but your day with David Tennant is up."
"Okay, but can we let David choose?"
"I guess..."
"Rose, would you like to be my companion in the Tardis forever, until time ends?"
"You had me at would you!"

This is how stories should end. Not to mention best day ever. Life isn't what you love, it's what you make of it. And right now I'm making the best of it.

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