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Time. Time is never against us but never in our favor. I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time and this is how it all went down.

Stella's P.O.V

It's finally here! Summer. And I can forget about everything and just enjoy my time with good friends. Ok I only have two friends but I don't need any more than them. So much has happened these school years. Not to me but for these four students that somehow got recognize and are now making music. I only know one of them... Not very well but you get the idea. He was in my math class. He was so smart, and quiet. I have had a very big crush on him but I'm a coward and I've only ever asked him for a pencil once or twice. This was a small thing but those times that I asked for a pencil he would kinda have this cute boyish smile on that made my insides go crazy. For you this sounds like a little schools girl crush. But for me it was different. It's hard for me to actually find a guy I like or "crush" on. Most boys in our school are idiots but I liked this one particular one.
"Come on Stell pass the aux cord!" Screamed one of my besties Lana.
"Wait I just need to find it" I screamed back

Oh yea, since it's summer and we're old enough to go on vaca without our parents were taking a road trip, not just any road trip, one that we travelled to America to do! Exciting I know. We just rented a jeep in the airport and this is where all the madness is happening.
"Hurry up I need to play our queen" screamed Ellie staring at me crazily from the back.
"Here it is!" I passed the aux cord to Lana and Ellie hooked up her phone.
"you can't wake up this is not a dream! "
We all sang at the top of our lungs.

As we made our way our fist destination was going to be Chicago cause why not!
We were all talking girl talk when suddenly Ellie started to bring up this new band she heard of. And of coarse it's that one band that has that awkward teen.
"Oh my god you guys ! They are actually quite good, not to mention they are hot" Ellie said in awe.

You see, we only met Ellie one year ago and this whole Luke thing happened before she was part of me and lanas little group. So she has no idea what that means to me.
" oh yea, stells what do you think about them"Lana Said with a devilish smile.
"You know how I feel about them"I said a little embarrassed.
Ellie looked confused and asked if she was missing something. And that's when Lana went off.
" STELLA HAD A CRUSH ON LUKE" Lana screamed at the top of her lungs.
I looked away embarrassed.
"It's ok every teenage girl is in love with this Luke hemmings guy, but don't worry maybe one day you will meet him!"
That's when it started getting a little bit giggly, me and Lana started to laugh and Ellie again looked confused.
"Oh my dear sweet Ellie, this is not just some boy band crush, they went to our school.... And our little Stella here had math class with this Mr. Luke hemmings" explained Lana.
" OH MY GAHD! why didn't you guys tell me!" She said a bit mad.
Thats when we started talking about the band and my crush on him. We were on this bumpy road and Ellie decided to play a song by them that I think is called long way home? Down? Who knows I'm getting confused with Harold here.
As I started listening I heard his voice. His voice was angelic. I started to think back to his face. And suddenly...

Time stopped.


All I heard was curse words, and all I could see was his face. Why his face? Why not just a bright light? Who knows but all I knew at the moment was that everything has been turned upside down.
And I didn't think of my family, or my friends, all I thought of was this boy.

Everything after that just went dark.


Thank you all so much! This was Ch.1!!!! And there is much more to come I hope you guys enjoyed. A bit cheese yea? But that's just what I thought of in my head and I like it.
Thanks so much pls like and comment of u want to of coarse.

Luv you all. A

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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